Singing to himself
Waiting for the fever to go down
And Beth’s in bed
Trying to tell the time
How long’s she been in bed?
Six days? Seven?
She sweats so much we gotta change the sheets
Every few hours
She died on a Thursday
That’s what I remember
Eleven brothers and sisters
And all of us sitting around on the porch
Listening to Mommy wail on the doctor
Wail on Daddy
Wail on anybody who would come near her
Beth died of something
You can cure these days
The last thing I remember was each of my brothers and
Getting up from wherever they were on the porch
And walking off into different directions away from the
Away from the sound of Mama howling
And Daddy saying Beth’s name
And the clock going tick tock, tick tock
Like it didn’t care what’d happened
Like it was gonna push time forward
Whether we wanted it to or not
I was the last one on the porch
When Daddy came out
And sat down next to me
He lit a cigarette
And scratched at his beard
Like it was something he glued on
Then he said ‘Yup’
And he walked off too
Just like everybody else had
Mama was laying in bed with Beth
Waiting for the doctor come
With the coroner
To take her away
To take ‘em both away
We might as well have buried Mama with Beth
Because we never got her back after that
Just a tower of tears that looked like her
I never wanted kids because of Beth
Because of what happened
How it split the family
How we all walked off
And some of us never returned
But I had a kid
And her Daddy told me not to worry
Because medicine had made it so that
What happened to Beth
Would never happen again
And I felt good about that
Then my kid goes off and has a kid of her own
And one day the phone rings
And I answer, and it’s her, my kid, my Nicole,
And she says her girl’s sick
And she’s real worried about it
I say, ‘Honey, what’s she sick with?’
And Nicole says it
The thing
The thing Beth was sick with
And I almost drop the phone
But I can’t
Because my girl needs me
And I say ‘But I don’t understand’
And I don’t understand
There’s a cure
But of course there ain’t no cure
There’s just something you can take
A shot
That’ll stop you from getting it
And my daughter didn’t want to get the shot for her kid
The way I did for her
Because she read something in a magazine
Saying she shouldn’t
And so she didn’t
And so my granddaughter’s in the hospital
And my daughter’s talking to me from a stall in the women’s
And I’m in my kitchen
And I walk into my living room
And there it is
A picture of Beth
And I hear the clock
I hear the clock
Tell me what time it is