Friday, May 31, 2019

I Want It That Way

I was working
All summer
At this computer retail store
Near the Everfast Mall
Doing all the basic stuff
Like putting price tags
On mousepads

And one day
This girl walks in
Never seen her before
And she walks right up to me
And says—

Hey, is it your birthday?

And, like
Crazy story
It was my birthday

And I had completely
Forgotten about it

I’m not even kidding

That summer was—

I was all over the place
Working at that store
And my uncle’s restaurant
And at the beach
Whenever I wasn’t
At either of those two places

This was when I thought
One day I would wind up
Being, like, some Hawaiian drifter
Or just some really Zen
Surfer guy or something

Time and birthdays
Just weren’t anything
I was too concerned with
Plus, my dad died
When he was twenty
And I was two
So I wasn’t really looking forward
To hitting the age he was
When he left me

But the girl
This, like, vision
Shows up
And asks me
If it’s my birthday

And I say—


And right at that moment
The power goes off

Not just in the store
But, like, the whole block
The mall

And they have
Those back-up generators
But it didn’t matter
Because it was some
Or some charger
Or something that, like
Is really hard to fix

And when it happens
The girl doesn’t even blink

She just looks at me
And goes—

You wanna get out of here?

We went to the beach
And made out in the sand
She told me a lot of stuff
But truthfully
I don’t remember any of it
And I feel like that’s okay
Because we never even exchanged names

I remember she had, like,
This little radio with her
Battery operated
And she had it next to her
While we were kissing
And talking
And it kept playing
‘I Want It That Way’
By the Backstreet Boys
And I hated the song
But I was like ‘Who cares?’
And by the time the sun set
I was in love with her
The song
And Brian Littrell

At one point
She got up
Took off her shorts
And her shirt
And walked right into the ocean

I was going to follow her
But then I laid back
And closed my eyes
And when I woke up
I was in my bedroom
With the alarm going off
Letting me know
I was ten minutes late
For work

I never went in that day
And I told my uncle
My dishwashing days
Were over

Hitchhiked my way
From the east coast
To the west
And when I got there

Became the store manager
At a Pottery Barn

Sorry, that probably
Wasn’t the ending
You were expecting

To be fair
It wasn’t the ending
I was expecting either

There were a lot of zigs and zags
In between making it to LA
And Pottery Barn
But none of those are as interesting
As sitting on a beach
With a girl who might have been a ghost
Listening to the Backstreet Boys
And thinking—

Well, not thinking
That life just wasn’t
Going to get
Any better
Than that

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mueller Answers Questions

(ROBERT MUELLER stands at a podium.)

MUELLER:  I'll now answer questions.

PRESS #1:  So did the President commit a crime?

MUELLER:  The President didn't not commit a crime.

PRESS #1:  So...he did?

MUELLER:  He didn't not.

PRESS #1:  So--?

MUELLER:  Next question?

PRESS #2:  If he committed a crime, why aren't you
prosecuting him?

MUELLER:  As I said before I started taking
questions.  You can't prosecute a sitting President.

PRESS #2:  So he can whatever he wants?

MUELLER:  While he's in office, yes.

PRESS #2:  Isn't that...kind of scary?

MUELLER:  It's very scary.  Next question.

PRESS #3:  Why would the people who put
the thing together--

MUELLER:  The Founding Fathers.

PRESS #3:  Right.  Them.  Why would they
let this happen?

MUELLER:  Well, they figured that by putting
in place the impeachment procedure, if a President
ever did go off the rails, we could just begin the--

PRESS #1:  Yeah, but we can't impeach him.

MUELLER:  Well, not us, but Congress--

PRESS #2:  No, Congress can't impeach him either.

MUELLER:  Can't or won't?

PRESS #3:  They cannnn?  But if they do, the other
side gets riled up over it and then Democrats lose
their advantage again.

MUELLER:  But the President committed a--didn't--
didn't not commit a crime.

PRESS #1:  Yeah, but the Republicans don't care.

PRESS #2:  What do we do if the Republicans don't care?

MUELLER:  I--we don't--I don't--

PRESS #3:  Are you going to testify in front of Congress?


PRESS #2:  Why not?

MUELLER:  I don't want to.

PRESS #1:  Don't you...have to?

MUELLER:  I mean, I didn't do anything wrong.

PRESS #2:  That's...not why people testify.

PRESS #3:  That's actually the reason you should be
fine with testifying.

MUELLER:  Everything I have to say is in the report.

PRESS #1:  But we can't read the full report.

MUELLER:  Well, you should read it.

PRESS #2:  We can't.

MUELLER:  Illiteracy is certainly tragic but--

PRESS #3:  There are redactions all over it.

MUELLER:  Next question.

PRESS #1:  Can't you just charge the President
with a crime?

MUELLER:  That won't be possible until
after he's out of office.

PRESS #2:  So, like, if the President was like--
Hey, I'm just going to kill somebody every day
for the next two years, there's NOTHING we could
do to stop him?

MUELLER:  You could impeach him.

PRESS #2:  You keep saying 'impeach' like it's
something we can actually do.

MUELLER:  You could vote in people who would
impeach him.

PRESS #3:  Gerrymandering.

MUELLER:  Look, I don't know what you want
from me.  I did the investigation.  I found not
not guilty.  There are things you can do to get rid
of him.  I'm not Santa Claus.  I can't just magically
put the President in jail.

PRESS #2:  Why?

MUELLER:  Because.

PRESS #1:  Why?

MUELLER:  Because.

PRESS #1, #2, and #3:  Why?

MUELLER:  Next question.

PRESS #3:  Do you think there's any chance
he'll be prosecuted once he's no longer President.

MUELLER:  Considering we didn't even prosecute
Nixon when he was out of office--No.  No chance.

PRESS #2:  So what was all this for?

MUELLER:  No idea.  Next question.

    (The questions continue as the lights fade.)

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pluto Decides

I just think I should be able to decide
Whether or not I’m a planet
You know?

Like, these scientists
Just keep going back and forth
About what I am
And who I am
And I just feel like--

Like that should be my journey
You know?

I’m on a path
An orbit
So to speak
You know
I don’t know
Where it’s taking me
But wherever that is
I just need to be on it
And whether it be
As a planet
Or, um, a moon
Or, like, a rock
A comet
A meteor
A speck
A spot

Whatever it is

I need to be open to it
And not just try to, you know
Put a label on it?

I mean, how many times
Have I gone around the sun?

How many times
Have I had
A black hole
Walk up to me
And be like--

Hey, sup?

And, like
Why do I allow that?

Why do I allow
The sun
And Mecurry
And Jupiter
And all the others
Be so distant from me
And just, you know,
Be so blase about it?

I am not blase
Blase is not me
I am not blah
I am a part
Of this solar system
And this Universe
Regardless of if I’m in the Big Nine or not

That is not all I am
And you know what?

Maybe I don’t want to be
One of nine

Maybe I want to be
One of one

An individual
A unique presence
In the cosmos

Where’s my voice, right?
Where’s my creative expression?

The other day
I saw a star implode
And, like, I just savored it
You know?

I just let myself be
In that moment
WIthout judging it
Without worrying
What was going
To come after it

Certainly not, you know
Thinking about--

Wow, am I experience this
As a planet or--?



I am not doing that anymore

That is, in and of itself,
It’s own black hole, right?

It’s its own trap

For getting lost
In the dark

That’s why I’d rather just say--

You know what?
I’m me
I’m Pluto
That’s who I am

And that’s great

That’s really great

I don’t have to be
Anything else

But that

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

When They Dig Me Up

They’re going to dig us all up one day
That’s where this is heading

Eventually they’re going
To run out of dinosaur bones
And you know when that happens
They’re going to start
Digging up humans

And when they dig me up
I hope they put me somewhere nice

Well, they don’t just leave you there

Don’t you know
How archeology works?

Once they dig you up
You’re up

That’s it
That’s your second life right there

Up and at ‘em

Then they either put you
In a museum
Or in a lab
Or they write a book about you

About who they think
You were

In my case, they won’t have to think too hard
Because I’m being buried with a notebook
Detailing my life
The better parts of it
And then I’m having the notebook
Wrapped in plastic
And inserted into my ribcage
That way they worms won’t get at it

I don’t see any reason
To make the archeologists
Work harder than they have to

I’m not sure what they’re going to find out
When they start poking at me
But I’m guessing they’re going to think
That human beings
Back in the days of now
Were fascinating
And often morbidly obese

They’ll have something to say
About how bad my toe bones are
Because of all the ballet
And also
The cage fighting

Maybe they’ll wonder
Why my left elbow
Looks the way it does

And I can’t even tell ‘em
In the notebook
Because I don’t know
Why it looks that way either

The way I see it
The human body
Is a mystery
And why try
To solve a perfectly good

You think I ever got this growth
On my eyelid checked out?


The freckle on my back
That keeps changing colors?


The patch of hair
That fell out
And then grew back
As a finger?

Not interested

Let the people eons from now
Figure all that out

Like my aunt said
Right before she died
Of god-knows-what--

What’s going on
Inside of me
Is none of my business

When they dig me up
They can sort through
All that

The questions
The quandaries
The twelve-inch tail
I was born with

That’s all for them

The way I see it
You have to contribute
Something to the world

Even long after
You’re gone

And I’ll tell you something

When they open up
My coffin

They’re in for one hell
Of a treat

Monday, May 27, 2019

When We Lose Monopoly

When we lose Monopoly
We walk home
The long way
The way with the dark patches
And the old houses
And the broken fences
With grey, dead lawns
Behind them

We cry down our breath
And with somber grace retreat
Through heavy doors
That make us feel
Like we’ve secluded ourselves
In bunkers

We think about where
We went wrong

The roll of the dice
That landed us
In front of
Two hotels

The refusal to purchase
What seemed
Like a worthless property

Or the acquisition
Of too many properties
When really
We needed to invest
In the properties
We already owned

The time spent in jail
The hesitation at being ruthless
The bad luck left over
From that game of Scrabble last week
That sent us down a path
Of loss and loss and loss

We climb into unmade beds
And think about
Touching our spouses
But choose instead
To touch ourselves

The places on ourselves
That still feel
Like winning

The nipples that feel like dice
The fingernails that feel like silver cars
The eyelashes that feel like real fake money

We count the crisp cash
In our in-and-out dreams

The day dawns
The blinds are drawn
The mistakes of the weekend
Tell on us
To those we hold most dear

We are no longer people
Who have done this or that

We are losers
We are Monopoly losers

We have failed
More than just ourselves
And our families

We have failed capitalism
We have failed ambition
We have failed the American Dream

What more is there
For us?

For people who were given the chance
To take the world by storm
And instead
Collected a measly two fifty
Just because they managed
To drag their sorry carcasse
Across the board
One more time
Before they were systematically dismantled
By players
Who were a bit more greedy

A bit more rude
A bit more brash
A bit better
At the game

When we lose Monopoly
Other games
Are suggested
At future outings

But nothing will satisfy
Nothing will sate
Nothing will make us feel better
About handing over
Bill after bill
Of our fake fake real fake money

There’s nothing else
We want to play
Until we can win
At what we’ve lost

And it’s that appetite
That’ll doom us all
In the end

But until then
We walk down a street
With the dark
In our pockets

And we think about a railroad
Four railroads
Two utilities
And a top hat
That will never comfortably

On our heads