Friday, November 8, 2013

Do You Believe They Keep the Lights On?

Sort of started
Walking down the street
Twice and ten

And I broke down on Filmount
Didn't meant to
Didn't think it'd happen so soon

I brace myself for hurricanes
And then a breeze knocks me over

Do you believe
They keep the lights on?

I thought they'd turn them off

I thought everybody would go inside
And sleep or stay quiet
And the cars would stay parked
And the dogs would lay down
And the stores would be shut up
Until who knew when?

I walked and saw lights on
In the pizza place
On Filmount

And that was
All it took

The cars drive
The dogs run
The stores put out displays
And sales
And bright fresh signs
That signal it's time
To come in and buy

And what am I?

Standing in the center
Of a still-moving world
Locked up
Inside my own mind

I've become my own prison
And grief is just the lock on the door

Everybody else has started
To let themselves out
And away

They're forgiving themselves
Isn't that nice?

And here I am

On Filmount, starving
And wanting to throw up
At the same time

Crying and frigid
Unfeeling and overwhelmed
Desperate and carefree

How on earth could you take me now?
And what could you take me for?

You'd be so disappointed
In me

But I thought I wouldn't be alone in this
I thought the stars would flicker and fall
And the clouds would break apart
And it'd be like the North Pole
Six months, no light

Instead it's Main Street
And it's bright
And it's Friday
And people are glad
They're happy
They're having a good time

And I can't wrap my head around it
Around any of it

Do you believe they keep the lights on?

I can't

I can't believe any of it

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