I have no idea
How the kangaroos
Fall in love
There’s never a moment
When they’re falling
I look and they’re in love
Or I look and they’re not
Or they are and then they’re not
And it rotates and revolves
And it’s hard to figure out what’s happening
The ones with children
Love their children, of course
And the ones who box each other
Don’t seem to be very much in love with anybody
Although these are assumptions on my part
I sit in a jeep far back from where they are
And peer through binoculars
Hoping for signs of affection or romance
In my glove compartment
Is a letter from the person I’m supposed to love
With platitudes about me
My bravery, my curiosity
Support and sentiment
And blah blah blah
The letter falls out of the glove compartment
Whenever I go into it
Looking for candies
Or the map back to the hotel
Where I’m staying
Where I’m staying
The kangaroos won’t get too close to me
Or each other, for that matter,
And I wonder to myself
Are they afraid?
Is it because they’re scared of intimacy
Is it because they’re scared of intimacy
Or do they just not like each other?
Are they anti-social?
Are they foul-tempered?
Are they anti-social?
Are they foul-tempered?
I should have read some books on them
Before I came here
But I didn’t know what the rule was
About reading other people’s books
When you’re trying to write your own
When you’re trying to write your own
Wouldn’t that be cheating?
I would never cheat
Granted, I’ve been having sex with someone
Who is not my spouse
And now there’s a pregnancy to worry about
But other than that
I’m very honest
The kangaroos hop along
Like nothing’s wrong with their life
And I envy them
Nothing seems to get under their skin
Aside from when one of their colleagues
Kicks them in the face
And even then, they shrug it off
Most of the time
Probably because of some kangaroo hierarchy
I don’t understand
I’ve never been kicked in the face
By kangaroo or anyone else
But my lover did slap me the other day
When I suggested the pregnancy
Should be terminated
I had no idea I’d been carrying on
With someone religious
And I felt sort of betrayed
Why wouldn’t my lover have told me
That they were religious?
Or maybe they did tell me
Or maybe they did tell me
But I couldn’t understand them
Because we don’t speak the same language
I’ve made so many mistakes
The world is upside down
Not just on maps
And in glove compartments
But in what you say
And where you end up
And who you should be with
And how you love
And how you can’t love
And how you want to love
And how the kangaroos don’t seem to mind
One way or the other
They go towards the sun
And when the sun goes down
They stop and wait for it to come back
Babies pop out of their pouches—
What are they called?
Jimmy’s? Joey’s? Joey’s, right?
Yes, Joey’s
Jimmy’s? Joey’s? Joey’s, right?
Yes, Joey’s
The Joey’s pop out
Or the girls?
Are they called something else?
I really should have done more research
Are they called something else?
I really should have done more research
Before I started my research
The engine of the jeep purrs
And the low evening heat
Settles in
The kangaroos sit far from each other
And close their eyes
While I unwrap the last candy
From the glove compartment
And read the letter one more time
Hoping that when I reach the end of it
I’ll experience something
I don’t know what I want the something to be
But I’m willing to chase after it
Like the kangaroos chase the sun
I’ll go all around the world
Until the world isn’t just upside down
But I’m upside down with it
But I’m upside down with it
And maybe then I’ll be right again
Maybe then I’ll have my falling moment
And fall right into something