Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Three Places to Kiss

He used to do this thing

Do you want to hear about it?

It's fine if you don't
But it's not bad
I promise
It's not bad

He, uh, well...

We'd be laying in bed together
And he'd be, you know, on top of me
And we'd just be, you know
Looking at each other
Not saying anything
Which is my favorite
When you can do that
When you can just lay there
With each other

And he'd kiss my nose
And I'd laugh

Then he'd kiss my chin
And I'd smile

And then he'd kiss my lips
And I'd, you know, kiss him back

This went on for awhile
Because we were together for awhile
And one day
I just came right out
And asked him

Why do you do that?

He didn't even know what I was talking about
He'd been doing it so long

'The three kiss thing,' I said
'Why do you do that?'

And he kissed my nose and said--
'That's to tell you I think you're cute'

And he kissed my chin and said--
'That's to tell you I think you're strong'

And then he kissed my lips and said--
'That's to tell you that I love you'

You know, eventually,
No matter who you're with
They stop kissing you
The way they did
When the two of you first got together

It just happens
No shame in it

But he kissed me in those three places
And he kept kissing me like that
And I think that's why
We were so happy for so long

There's nothing wrong
With somebody
Kissing you once

But if you can find someone
Who kisses you the way he kissed me?

Kiss them back

That's all I gotta say

Kiss them back

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