Saturday, March 31, 2018

Abandoned Villas in Sunny Places

Somewhere in the 1980’s
I'm sitting in an abandoned villa
Waiting for someone
To come pick me up

I'm stranded

And I'm stranded
In a very 1980’s kind of way
Where, uh, you really do feel
Like you’re...

...Up a creek, you know?

Because I didn’t have a cell phone
I didn’t have any contact
With anybody
In the outside world

I’m just sitting in this abandoned villa

Okay, well
Somebody’s gotta find me

But, like, not really sure
That was actually
Going to happen

And yet
At the same time
Even though
I was dealing
With a lot of anxiety in my life
Which was the reason
I was in this abandoned villa
On this trip
This vacation
That I really needed to go on
But also
Didn’t want to go on--

I’m having a hard time
Actually summoning that anxiety
To give me a kick in the ass
And make me come up
With some kind of solution

It’s sunny

Like, it’s really sunny out
And there’s the ocean
And there’s sand
And all this pretty, uh
And so
My brain is like—

You’re fine

I mean, part of my brain thinks that
The other part is like—

Your stupid friends
Took off and left you
In two separate cars
Because one probably thought
You were with the other
And vice versa

But, again, it’s like—

Hard to panic
Because it’s just so pretty there

That’s, like, the one thing
About abandoned villas
In sunny places

It’s really hard
To panic

And believe me
I tried

I had this moment
Where I pictured
Talking to you
Right now

I’m not kidding
You you
Not, like
A general ‘you’
But actually ‘you

It was crazy

I pictured it
And that’s when I realized
That this
This right now
Was going to happen

That I wasn’t going to die
In some abandoned villa
That I was going to make it out
And live this long
And not-that-interesting life

And that’s what made me panic

Not the thought of dying
Or abandonment
Or anything

The thought of survival

That’s what scared
The hell out of me

Two hours later
My friends showed up
At the hotel we were all staying at
Realized what happened
And turned right around

And I was just sitting on the sand
Looking at the ocean
Trying to enjoy, you know
That moment

I knew it wouldn’t last

I knew that being stranded there
Wasn’t really my problem

It was a problem
But it wasn’t, like
The problem
Or even one of
The problems

My friends walked up to me
And I was crying
And they were like—

It’s okay
We’re here
We’re here now
You’re fine
We came back for you

And I looked at them like—

Why did you do that?

And they didn’t understand

I don’t think even I understood

I still don’t

I still…

I still really

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Sound of Someone Falling

I was sitting in my room
Making notes about—


Something Lucy had said
I don’t know
It wasn’t important

At the time, it might have been
But now
Years later
It’s not

It’s not memorable

And so—

I’m sitting there
On the edge of the bed
Notebook in my lap
Or journal

This old journal I bought
Off the discount rack
At the bookstore
I lived next to
And I heard something…


I don’t really know
How to categorize it

It sounded
Like someone falling

To be clear
It was not the sound of—

And I apologize
For seeming graphic here

It was not the sound
Of someone
Hitting pavement
Or anything awful like that

It was the sound
Of someone falling

As in—

The act of falling

I ran over to the window

Well, first
I thought to myself--

Am I hearing
What I think
I’m hearing?


Am I hearing anything at all?

Then I thought—

I am
I must be

So I ran over to the window
And I looked—

And nothing was there

I mean, nobody was falling
Nothing was happening

There was nobody—

Again, excuse me

There was nobody on the ground

I looked up
Thinking perhaps
I’d had a premonition

Nobody was on the roof
That I could see
And anyway
My building is only two stories high
So a fall
Wouldn’t necessarily kill you

It probably wouldn’t

So I started looking all around
At different buildings
Different rooftops


But I couldn’t step away from the window

I couldn’t escape the feeling
That I had—

Sensed something

That I had—

That something was going to happen
Or already had happened

And maybe it was miles away or something
But it was there
Out there in the world

That sound

This breath-bottling sound
Of somebody

In the process of—of—of—


And I was listening
And I heard it
And there was nothing I could do

I stood there at the window

I couldn’t move
I couldn’t speak
I could barely…

I just stood there

And waited

And, you know, I—

I didn’t even know
What I was waiting for

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Easter Virgin

Easter is always the craziest holiday

Like, it’s not quite Thanksgiving
And it’s definitely not Christmas
It's not Halloween
You can't dress up
Unless you want to dress up like a bunny
Which would be fucking stupid

It’s too religious to be any fun
But it’s not religious enough
To be, you know
Like pretty or anything
With, like, pretty Jesus dioramas
On people's lawns
Or whatever

And that’s why I decided
I was going to lose my virginity
On Easter

I was really just looking for a way to--

Uh, spice things up, I guess?

You know, like
Spice up Easter? Because I always just
Fucking dread

So like, I decided
To have sex
For the first time
On Easter
And it was
The first time I have ever
Looked forward
To Easter

No joke

I was seventeen
And I had had it
With being a virgin
And I was so over, like--

Not being young enough
To get an Easter basket
Which is, literally
The only fun thing about Easter
And, you know, the egg hunt
Coloring the eggs and--

Like, anything
Non-egg related about Easter
Is just--

I was just over everything
And so I was like--

Okay, let’s be proactive

Let’s find out how to take two things
That I really don’t like--

My virginity
And Easter

And put a silver lining on them


Losing my virginity on Easter

So I went online
And found this guy
Who had English Lit with me
And I was like--

Do you want to take my virginity?

And he was like--

I would, but it’s Easter It's like a family day

And I was like--
Actually, it's not about family
It's about Jesus

And he was like--

Yeah, but--

And I was like--

Do your whole Easter dinner thing
With your family
Then come take my virginity

And he was like--

I kind of can’t
My mom will be mad

And I was like--

It’s not Christmas
You eat the ham
And you’re done

You’re done by like two o’clock
Three tops
Five if you end up playing board games
Or whatever

But he was one of those people
Where, like, every holiday
Is a whole day of just, like
Sitting around with your family
Just staring at each other
Wondering what to talk about
And not losing your virginity

So, long story short--

I ended up having sex
A few months later
Like, right before Fourth of July
Which is another loser holiday

But, like, it’s a little more sexy
Because of the heat
And the summer
And the flags and stuff


I guess there are, like
Worse ways
To lose it

But Easter still sucks

I mean, I’m sorry
If you’re into Jesus or whatever
Because, I mean, if you are
I guess it’s an okay holiday
But if you’re just sort of
Whatever about it
Like me, then--you know

You just make the most of it, I guess

I guess that’s really
All you can do

Chicken Soup for Grownass Men

I guess I need to make you
Chicken soup

Even though
And here’s the thing—

You’re a grownass man

You’re a grownass man
Who needs chicken soup
Nothing wrong with that

I mean, there are things wrong with it
But nothing I care to bring up
Right now

You think I’ve never made
Chicken soup
For a grownass man before?

Try again

I’ve made pots
Of it

Pots and pots
Buckets of it

So I’m happy to do it
It’s not about that

It’s that you’re sitting there
On the couch
Flipping through channels
And the tv isn’t on

So I have to imagine
That something
Is very wrong here

Now, do you want me
To give you advice
Or sit down next to you
And pretend
I’m watching invisible tv too?

Because I can do that

I can do all sorts of things

Tap dance
Make soup
Whatever you want

But do you know what you want?

That’s the question

You want a book of stories
All about grownass men like you
And how they’re hurt?
How they’re suffering?
How their lives are hard
And nobody gets it?

Because I can write you that book

Chapter One:  I’ve Had It Easy and I Didn’t Know It
Chapter Two:  My Father Got to Fuck Up and I Don’t
Chapter Three:  I Sexually Harassed a Woman and Instead of Rolling Her Eyes She Kneed Me in the Groin

I can write chapter after chapter
All about grownass men


Or you can get up off the couch
And turn off the tv that isn’t on
And make your own damn
Chicken soup

You know where the kitchen is
You know where the chicken is
And I’m assuming you know
How to boil water

But if you don’t
I’m sure
You’ll figure it out

Here’s something you need to know—

And I can put this in the book
If you want me to

The thing is—

Time exists whether or not
You own a clock

You know what I mean by that?

If you don’t
You will
Or you won’t
But part of you
Some part
Will get it

Because no matter how dumb you are
Shit sinks in

It always finds a way
To sink in

The same way
You’re sinking into
Those sofa cushions

My words
Will land on you

Yes, you are special

But you are special
Because everybody is special
And you are no more special
Than anybody, okay?

Let that sink in
Let it land
Try to, at least

At least
Try to


Because you’re not sick
You’re just grown

And there’s not enough soup in the world
To fix that

Catching Cabs for Strangers

So what I do is
I catch the cab

And then I sort of step aside
And I—

Okay, so I do this
When it’s busy
You know?

Like, when it’s really busy
And you can’t catch a cab
Cause like—

That’s becoming extinct
That whole—

With Uber and Lyft
And all that

Cabs are—

But, you know
Some of the people
The older people?
They still want a taxi, you know?

And young people too

Sometimes people
Just want to go for a nice ride
You know?

So I catch a cab
And then I kind of stand aside like—

Hey, anybody want this one?

And people always act surprised

They’re always standing there like—


And I’m just smiling
Because I know they’re not expecting it

And honestly?

Honestly, that’s the best part

The surprise

See my dad used to do this

He loved
Catching cabs for strangers
And giving them to ‘em

He loved that
He was always doing nice stuff
He was a great guy, my dad

Really great guy

He would drive cabs all day
Then we’d go out on the street at night
And he’d catch a cab for somebody

For anybody

Just hail one
And give it away

It was really something

Nobody caught a cab
Like my old man

Then one day
He’s just gone
Just like that

He didn’t leave me
It’s not like that
He would have—

He would have never left me


But he was gone
And I was just—

I was just standing on a corner
You know?

Trying to keep smiling
Trying to live in this new reality
Where there’s no dad anymore

You know?

Got my thumb out
Catching cabs
Holding open doors
Pointing at strangers
Being like—

You take this one
You take this one

Go ahead
Go ahead

Take this one
Go ahead

I don’t mind
I don’t mind

It’s for you

I don’t mind

You put enough
Nice stuff
Out there in the world
And maybe one day
A cab stops for you
And your dad’s in the driver’s seat
Asking where you been
And why you been gone so long
And what do you mean he's the one
Who's been gone?

You climb in
And he takes you
To the Empire State Building
Or something place
And you spend the whole day together
Because you’re a kid again
Because time went backwards
And it took you along for the ride

That’s why you gotta keep
Giving away the cabs

Because they don’t belong to you
They’re not yours

Not until the one that is

Not until the one
That’s going to take you
Where you want to go

Why She Hires the Escorts

She hires the escorts
Because they don’t ask her
About her day

Her day is the same every day
And every day is monotonous
So the last thing
She wants to talk about
Is her day

But when she goes on dates
The first thing they ask about?

Her day

And she can’t tell
If it’s because
She keeps dating conscientious men
Or because she just looks like someone
Who’s always had a day

No matter what the answer is
The solution is the same

Fuck dates

She’s too old for dating anyway
Too much has happened
To ever catch anybody up on it

Her mother alone
Would take years
To explain
So why bother?

The escorts don’t need explanations
They’ll listen to you
If you want to talk
But if you don’t want to talk
That’s okay too

She never wants to talk
And that’s why she gets
The escorts

She gets them because they always look like
They just came from a great party
That she wasn’t invited to

They show up
Smelling like cologne
That only truly
Stupid men
Would wear

Their shirts are unbuttoned
Just enough to suggest
That the idea of a tie
Was on the table
But ultimately

The hair has too much product
The skin is too soft
The fingernails look like
They’re made of mother of pearl

Nothing about them looks human
And yet they make her feel
More human
Than she’s ever felt
In her life

She gets the escorts
To take her places
Simple places
Like the supermarket
And the post office

They offer to take her somewhere nice
But she doesn’t have clothes
To go anywhere nice

And anyway, she’s spending her money on escorts
Not on clothing she can wear
So escorts can take her to—

Wherever escorts
Take women

She’d rather just run some errands
With a handsome man on her arm
And let people think
That she’s a simple woman
With a gorgeous husband
Who loves her so much
He actually goes with her
To the laundromat

That’s her fantasy
And that’s why
She gets the escorts

She also gets them
Because there’s a moment
Right after their main task is complete
But before they put on their clothes
Where they get out of bed
And stand there

Just stand there

All of them do it

Maybe all men do it
Or, at least
Maybe all attractive men
Very, very attractive men
Do it

Who knows?

They stand there
Taller than any height

Posed as though positioned
By a Greek sculptor

Muscles on display
Light hitting them just right

Bathroom light
Not bedroom light

Bathroom light
As it sneaks into a bedroom
Is the best kind of lighting
For an escort

She lays in bed
And watches
As they stand there

God knows what

She can’t see their faces
Just their backs

But a back
Can tell you
A lot about a person

She lays in bed
With the blanket
Pulled up to her chin
And witnesses
This one perfect moment

And each time
It really is perfect
And she thinks—


This is worth
Every penny

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Fire Escape

You got no idea what boredom is
You got no--

Listen to me--

No idea

What boredom


Boredom--is love


No, but really--

Boredom is 1992

Listen to me now


Sitting in this apartment
This second-floor
Little no-nothing
That I couldn’t afford
Even though it was little
And it was no-nothing
Whatever the hell that means

And I’m lying on a bed
With the window open
And this little shitty fan
Blowing on me

Not a stitch of clothing on me
Because the air was hot
And the air getting blown on me was hot
And the air coming in from the open window
Was hot

And I was bored

Because it was a Sunday

And nowadays
It’s Sunday Funday
But back in 1992
And before that
And a little bit after that
Sundays were not fun-days

Because nothing good was on t.v.
Yeah, you could go see a movie
If you had the cash
But I didn’t

And there was no Internet
And you could read a book
If you felt like doing that sort of thing
But when it’s hot like that
You don’t want to do much of anything

And you’re pissed at yourself
For being bored
And not being able
To do a damn thing about it

And at some point
You make you way--

Because you hear a sound
Coming from down
On the street--

So you make your way
Onto the fire escape

And down on the street
Is this hot body
Wearing a pair of shorts
And half a shirt
And so many teeth
It was enough
For seven smiles

And right then

Right then

You know two things:

You know you’re in love
And you know
That your boredom
Is over

Even in the dusty
Of 1992
On a Sunday

You got something to do
You got a fire escape to sit on
And wait
Just wait
For somebody to climb up to you
And ask you what’s up