"The Startled Woman (Pt. 2)"
He's outside
Standing right outside
Now please
Shut the door
Lock him out
No, he doesn't hit me
He doesn't hit me
I won't say that
I'm not going to lie
But he's...
He's bad
Just bad
Please lock him out
Please, sir
Look at me
I'm still young, aren't I?
Aren't I, though?
I'm not that old a woman
I've seen older
Older than me
And they got kids
They got lots of kids
And not me
Not me
I don't
Why don't I?
That's why
That's why I don't
Because he put them in me
He put them in me
And then they're gone
They're just gone
Why are they all gone?
Why do they all go?
Tell me why
If you're so smart
He'd bad luck
That's why
The day I married him
My mother put a curse on him
She didn't like him
Because she didn't like his father
Because she loved his father
And he broke her heart
Now there's a curse
A curse I can't lift
Because she's dead now
And I'm stuck with that curse
With that bad luck
I'm stuck with it
I love him
I love that man outside
I love him so bad my insides hurt
And maybe that's why none of my babies
Can stay inside me for very long
But I can't do it
I can't have him keep putting them in
And then taking them out again
No crying
No nothing
So just keep him out
I love him
But keep him away from me
I'm just going to sleep here
Is that all right?
Can I just sleep here?
Please protect me
Protect me because I love him
Because I'll go back out there to him
If he doesn't come in here for me first
Just let me sleep
Lock the door
Or go out there
And tell him to go away
Hide me from him
Cover me up then leave me
Make me disappear
Please, sir
I just...
I just want to disappear
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