Friday, September 2, 2016

And a Stranger Holds Your Hand

If you try to kill yourself
By jumping off the Porter Bridge
In Scoville, Massachusetts
You will find a stranger there

It won’t be someone
You expect
But then again
Who ever expects
A stranger?

At that moment
Seeing anyone you know
Would be a turn
In the wrong direction

A well-intentioned move
By the Universe
To steer you away
From your impending action
And the Universe
Though kind
Is misguided


What you needed
Was a stranger

The stranger helps you down
And the stranger gets you a blanket
From their nearby car
And the stranger has no interest in you
But also doesn’t want you to die
Because people shouldn’t want other people to die
It’s just not how things should be

This stranger sits in their car with you
And plays Jackie Wilson
And doesn’t say a damn thing

Nobody tries to get you to talk about
Why you wound up on that bridge
Looking down
At your next step

Nobody tries to get you to cry
Or yell
Or let it out

Nobody tries to tell you things
Your whole life
You’ve been told things
But not now

Not in this car
Not with this stranger

At some point
The stranger reaches over
And holds your hand

And it’s a gesture full of meaning
And without intention
And so it is the loveliest gesture
You can possibly think of

Because when—
I mean, really, when—
Does anybody
Hold your hand

When was the last time
Someone reached over
And held your hand
As if to say
In the purest
And truest way—

You’re not in this alone

And what is this?

This life
This place
This set of circumstances

And you are alone, aren’t you?
Because who do you have?
Aside from this stranger
In this car

As the rain lets up
And the radio plays
And cars start to come and go
Up and down the bridge
Because, oh look
It’s dawn
It’s daytime

It’s another damn day
And you’re here

Yesterday was a good day
To jump off a bridge
But the odds of that day recurring
Twice in a row are—
You have to admit to yourself—
Pretty slim

So you sit there
And watch the cars go by
And Jackie Wilson sings
About love
And what it can do for you

And a stranger
Holds your hand

And somehow
What you needed

Just in time

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