Saturday, October 19, 2019

When All the Other Girls Got Boobs

She got boobs first

Her, over there
She was the first one

I still don’t have them yet

I’m the last one

She and I have nothing in common

I have more in common
With her, over there
Because she just got them
After Christmas break

But now even she’s being weird to me
And I know why

I think maybe I won’t get them at all
Because my mom doesn’t have them
Not really
And she was saying that doesn’t mean anything
But I still won’t speak to her
Because why would you bring a child into this world
Who can’t have boobs?

I just think that’s wrong

Nobody had boobs
Until the beginning of the school year
And then her, over there?

She came in with them
And I was like--

What is going on?
We are in fifth grade
What is she doing with boobs?

So, like, for awhile there
She was the one on the outside
Because even though it was cool
That she had boobs
She was the only one
And so, yeah, the boys were, like, being gross to her
But other than that
There really weren’t
Any perks at all

Then that other girl over there got them
And then, like, a week later
Those two girls got them
And it was like--an explosion

And I’m sitting here going--

Oh my god
I’m not going to get them

And then my friend
Who sits next to me
She was like--

I’m not going to get them either
Don’t worry

But then she totally got them
And now she won’t even eat lunch with
And the boys went from teasing the girls with boobs
To teasing the only girl who doesn’t have them
And that’s me

My dad says that there are hormones in milk
That’s making girls get boobs now
When they used to get them
When they were in their thirties or something
So I started drinking lots of milk
Like a crazy amount of milk
And that’s how I figured out I’m lactose intolerant
So now I don’t have boobs
AND I can’t eat ice cream
And all the other girls are better looking than me
And Dad is bald
So if I get those genes
I’m going to be totally screwed

My mom and dad keep telling me
How pretty I am every day
And my mom’s been doing this thing
Where she cuts out pictures of flat-chested models
And leaves them on my desk
So I see them when I get home from school

I won’t say that’s not nice
But I also won’t say it makes me feel better
Because it really doesn’t

What does make me feel better
Is that I know I have better hair
Than all the other girls
Like, it’s practically not even a contest
My hair is amazing
Which is why I’ll be so upset if I lose it
Like my Dad did

If I get to keep my hair
And I never get boobs
I guess I can live with myself
Because nobody’s perfect
And some people peel off dead skin
And eat it
And I won’t say who does that
But she sits right over there

That means I’m doing better
Than most people I think
And that’s why I keep coming to school
And waking up
And talking to all these idiots every day

But it doesn’t mean
I have to be happy
About any of it

I told my mom that
And she was like--

Oh, but I want you to be happy

And I was like--

Are YOU happy?

And let me tell you something

That shut her up

Pretty quick

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