Thursday, April 29, 2010

Xavier, 26, Actor

Hi, my name is Xavier

Today I will be performing a monologue
Written by Kevin Broccoli
From one of his monologue shows

The monologue is entitled--


Um, well, the shows don't really have a name
I mean, not a name to cover ALL the shows
There are many shows
So we just call them the monologue shows

Anyway, the monologue I will be performing is---



Kevin Broccoli

No, I didn't think you would have
He's a playwright


No, he hasn't actually write a play per se
He's just written a bunch of monologues
And I think he adapted something...once

But the monologue is really good and--

He's from Rhode Island

Rhode Island

No, not Long Island
Rhode Island

Well, it's sort of near Boston

Is he what?

Well, yes, people do know him...there

I mean, some people know him there

He'''s a thing, you know?


Do you want me to--

Yes, his last name is really Broccoli


Like the--yup.


You got it.

No, the monologue is not part of a bigger piece
It's a stand-alone monologue

I don't know WHY you would just write a monologue
I guess he has a short attention span...or something


Who DOES these shows? them

Yeah, well, I mean
I haven't ever really SEEN one of them
But I hear they're very--

Well, I hear they're doing them in Des Moines now
Which is kind of cool, I guess

Des Moines is in Iowa

No, that's not at all near Boston

Um, would you like to hear the piece now?

No, I don't know him personally, but--

You know what?

Why don't I just do that Ibsen monologue I have?

You might like that a little bit better

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