Ever since it got hot out
Everybody in the neighborhood
Has their windows open
And I--
I should tell you
That usually I put the air on
I like the air
I don’t like fresh air
You know what fresh air has?
Bugs and disease
Growing up, you put the air on
My mother would scream at you
Like you set the house on fire
You opened the windows
And let the fresh air in
You know what got in?
Bugs and disease
And heat
Notice they don’t call it ‘cool’ air
They call it ‘fresh’ air
Because nobody claims
It cools anything down
It’s just something your mother did
Because she didn’t want
To turn on the a/c
So I grow up
I get my own house
We have the central air
I’m excited
First summer comes around
I turn on the air
Everything is wonderful
This year
The air breaks
I see the bill to fix the air
I think ‘You know what?
Maybe my mother was onto something’
I open the windows
Now, I live in a nice neighborhood
With nice people
Or so I thought
Do you have any idea
The kind of things I’m hearing
Every day
With these windows open?
You got all these people home now
Because nobody works anymore
Or if they do
They work from home
Or they work at night
I don’t know
It’s none of my business
But it is the middle of the day
And I am hearing things
I do not need to be hearing
Perverts up and down the street
Now I love my neighbors
I’ve never met them
But I see them sometimes
When I’m out
Walking the cat
Because she gets anxious
And you would think
I was living in a skin flick
The way these people carry on
Now at night
Would I say anything?
You want to have some fun
After six pm
That’s up to you
That’s why no matter how hot it is
I close my windows
At night
And I sweat
And I cry
And I pass out
But I don’t want my neighbors
Hearing my husband yelling
While he’s watching old basketball games
From the eighties
They don’t need to hear that
But during the day
I keep my windows open
And I keep my family quiet
Because nobody wants to be
That house on the street
Where you know all their business
Because they leave their windows open
And then put on a show for everybody
Except now I’m the only quiet house
On the street
And everybody else
Is acting out Boogie Nights
As soon as the sun comes up
Can you tell me
What has gotten into people?
Did somebody sprinkle
Angel dust
All over everything
And I missed my dose?
It is unbearable
And it’s not even July yet
It’s got me yearning for fireworks
And I hate fireworks
The cat has a panic attack
If you so much as set off a sparkler
But this year
I’m putting a Xanax
In her tuna
And I’m saying ‘Let ‘em rip’
Because at least that kind of noise
Doesn’t have my fifteen-year-old
Giggling like a maniac everyday
It’s out of control
Strangely enough
I opened my windows the other night
Because I couldn’t take the humidity
And it was quiet as all get-out
You could hear a pin drop
Not a sound
In the neighborhood
Well, I guess after doing
What they were doing all day
They must have needed
A good night’s sleep
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