Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Boys in the Bed

I'm not going in there again
I'm not even going to peek
I don't want to know
I'm telling you, Sandra
I don't want to know

Your brother is in there
Lying in bed
With some...


And I just don't want to know
Do you understand me?
I don't want to know

Granted, he's a handsome man
From what I could tell
I dropped the laundry basket
Right on my toe
And screamed

I hop they don't think
I was screaming at them
I was screaming from hurting my toe
But they probably don't know that
Maybe I should tell them that
When they come out
Whenever that is

I don't know if I'll want to be here
I don't know what I'm going to do
I already started making French toast
Now what can I do?
I can't leave
I can't just leave French toast

Sandra, this is horrible

Can you knock on the door
And let them know I'm fine?

I don't want them to think
That I'm stuffy
I'm not stuffy
I know your brother is nineteen
And even though he's still living at home
Until this college thing works out
He's an adult
He even gives me money for rent
Which I don't ask for
But I take
Because God knows your father
Doesn't send money

So I don't want them to think
That I think they're wrong
Or whatever, for whatever
Or anything like...

Jesus, Sandra
They were naked


Right underneath
Your grandmother's comforter

Well, I'm sorry
That's all I can think of
Your grandmother's comforter
And things happening
Underneath it

Things that never happened
When your grandparents were underneath it
That much I can assume

But I don't want them to think I'm a prude
I'm progressive
I'm forward-thinking
And I don't care if your brother...

I mean, he is, right?
This isn't something regular boys do, right?
I don't mean regular
I just mean...
You know what I mean, Sandra


Oh, now the French toast is burnt
Look at that
I kept on talking
And the toast is lost
It's lost forever

. . . . .

Do you think he's okay?
Do you think he's embarrassed?
Would you be embarrassed?
Oh, I would be mortified
But I hope he's not embarrassed

He's a boy
Boys don't embarrass
As easily
Thank God

Should I make waffles?
He's going to be hungry
Maybe they'll both be hungry
Do you think the handsome man
Will stay for breakfast?

I mean, he doesn't have to rush off
That wouldn't be polite

Oh God

You know
I never realized
Until just now
How much of a choice
It is

No, not that, Sandra
I know that's not a choice
I mean me
The choice I'm making
To not get upset

What I just saw

I mean, I can feel
That urge
To flip out
And go crazy

Storm in there
And shout
Like a lunatic
Like a madwoman

But it's a choice
Isn't it?
And I can choose
Not to do that

And knowing that
How can I?
How can I choose to go crazy?

It's one thing
To just go crazy
But to choose to go crazy
Is another thing entirely

All right
I'm making eggs

Do me a favor
Go tell your brother
That he can come to breakfast
Tell him it's okay

Just remember
To knock first

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