Saturday, December 7, 2019

Close Your Eyes and Walk Downstairs

Close your eyes
And walk downstairs

It’s not about trust

Nobody’s asking you
To trust anything

Certainly not the stairs
Certainly not the dark

You can’t trust the stairs
And you can’t trust the dark

But you can’t just stay upstairs
With your eyes open
Acting like you don’t know
There’s something down there
That needs to be dealt with

And whatever comes upon you
Will startle you so
That it’s indisputably better
To shut as much of yourself off as you can
Before you make your way
Towards the knock, knock, knock

Hold onto the railing
Steel your nerves
Feel the creak of the wood
As you hit that first step

The second more solid
Or maybe you’re just getting
Lighter on your feet

Tighten your jaw
Or the fear will cause
Your teeth to chatter
And any sound
Great or small
Can send whatever’s down there
Running up

You are all that stands
Between a quiet house
A slumbering family
And the thing
Behind the washing machine

The phantom
Alongside the furnace

The spectre
Slinking its way
Down from the ceiling
Waiting for you
To appear

Fear is what puts you
At a disadvantage
And the fear is fed
By what you can see

The dark of the basement
Makes everything a shadow
And a shadow is always worse
Than what’s casting it

So block it all out entirely
Let your other senses
Fill in the blanks

Nobody ever felt anything
Strong enough
To make them cower

Sounds can send shivers
But it won’t send you reeling back
And then down
From stair to stair

You may smell the dank
Syrupy odor
That clings
To the slug that’s biding its time
Beneath the rotted out sofa
You keep meaning to throw out

But a smell will repulse you
Not recoil you

Keep moving forward
Keep going down
Keep your eyes closed

All those other senses
Will beg you
For some sight

But you must blind yourself
To alleviate any temptation
To play the coward

What else can you do?

Barricade the basement door
With chairs and nailed planks
And a sign that forbids entry?

Someone will go down eventually

Possibly a child
Possibly your child

Whatever this is
It must be dealt with
And swiftly

Put your foot down
Then the other

And when you hear a snap
And a hiss
Swallow your hesitation
And continue to move


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