Polly, want a cracker?
Want a pirate?
Want a pirate’s shoulder
Want a pirate?
Want a pirate’s shoulder
To sit on
And perch from
And waddle to and fro on?
Want a curse word to learn?
A secret?
A secret to a treasure?
To a pirate’s treasure?
A secret to a treasure?
To a pirate’s treasure?
To the location of a buried chest
At the bottom of the ocean
Next to a sunken ship
And an octopus?
Want a cracker?
Want a cookie?
Want some birdseed?
Seems like you
Want a cookie?
Want some birdseed?
Seems like you
Should want
Some birdseed
Want a cage?
Want to be set free?
Want a jungle to fly in?
Want to be set free?
Want a jungle to fly in?
Are you worried about poachers?
Do you know what a poacher is?
While we’re on the topic
Do you know what a poacher is?
While we’re on the topic
Of what you know
And don’t know--
Do you know the meaning
Of the words you’re saying?
Is it all just repetition?
Is it all just repetition?
Could I find this out
In a book about parrots?
Should I read a book like that
Before taking you in?
Do I look like a responsible
Pet owner to you?
Do I look like someone
You could get along with?
Do I look like I could be a pirate?
Do I look like I could pillage?
Do I look like I could pillage?
Set up a plank?
Do I look like I could pull off
An eye patch?
And doesn’t pulling off
And doesn’t pulling off
The eye patch
Defeat the purpose?
Defeat the purpose?
Do my shoulders look
Appealing to you?
What if I sprinkled
Some crushed up crackers
On them?
How good does my vocabulary be
For you to feel like
We could have a beneficial
Pet/owner relationship?
Are you comfortable
Are you comfortable
With the terms
‘Pet’ and ‘Owner?’
Would you prefer
Have you ever flown
In the sky?
Or even mid-air?
What’s the difference
Between mid-air
And the sky?
Have you ever been mid-air
And thought--
Yeah, I mean,
This is nice
But I’d prefer the sky
Do you realize that--
While I can let you fly around my house--
I really can’t let you fly outside
Because a hawk could eat you
Do hawks eat parrots?
What do you eat?
Do you want a cracker?
A corncob?
A croissant?
When did you last eat?
How often do you eat?
Are you worried about gaining weight?
How much weight could you gain
Before flying
Would be out of the question?
Do you want to ask me something?
Are you shy?
Do you have the words you need
To connect
To me?
Well--speak up
Otherwise I might as well
Buy a parakeet
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