We can’t even talk about it anymore
Because I just--
I just get too upset
All he has to do is say Biden
And I lose my mind
And, like, secretly
I know exactly what this is about
Biden reminds him of him
And I think--
If anything, I think that discounts
My dad’s opinion
If you’re voting for someone
Because they’re your age
Or they seem the most like you
That should be a sign
That your criteria
Is all messed up
I’m twenty-four years old
And I have nothing--
I mean, on the surface
There’s nothing similar
About me and Bernie Sanders
And I’m still supporting him
So yes, I feel like I’m standing on--
I feel like
I’m on more solid ground
Because of that
When I say
He’s who I want
You have all these people
Coming up with these warnings of--
They won’t vote for Bernie
These white voters
These white voters that’ll flip
If we give ‘em Biden
I’m not giving them Biden
I’m not--
Like, can I swear or--?
Eff those guys
You know?
Somebody betrays you
Betrays their country
Elects a Nazi
And we’re all sitting here going--
Gee, how do we win them back?
I don’t want to win them back
This isn’t a difference of opinion kind of thing
This is a large chunk of America
Showing its true colors
And pundits being like--
How are you going to meet these people
Where they are?
Where they are?
I don’t know, Chris Matthews
You tell me how to meet racism
Where it’s at
Because I don’t know
I wouldn’t know
How to do that
There is no hope without expanding the base
And that’s what Bernie can do
He can get people to vote
That haven’t
And maybe flip some people
Who went to Trump last time
But that’s not the important thing
The important thing is
If we don’t get people excited again
We’re, you know, we’re effed
And nothing--
It’s not like with Obama
Where it was just seeing someone
And hearing someone
Who looked and sounded different
And that was enough
To get everybody really into the process
And into politics
People are more jaded now
You have to give them more
You have to give them somebody
Who’s talking about
Who’s talking about
Totally breaking up the system
You have Biden going--
These people are trying
To destroy the system
Fuck yes, we’re trying to destroy the system
Dude, have you seen the system?
What would you suggest we do with it?
Treat it like a racist
Treat it like a racist
And try to work with it
Try to meet the system
Where it is?
Yeah, I don’t think so
Nobody’s showing up
To work with racists
Nobody’s going to get excited
To do that
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