Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I Think I'm Supposed to Like This Movie

I think I’m supposed
To like this movie
But I really have no idea

According to who
I present myself to be
This movie
Is totally in keeping
With my identity
And yet, uh,
I don’t, uh
Like it

I think I don’t
But I also think I should
Should thinking I should
Mean that I should
Or is it just thinking?

Could thinking I should
Be the same as liking it?

If you put a piece of chocolate
In your mouth
And you go--

Mmm I think I like this

It means you like it

But I guess if you say--

Mmm I think I like this
But I don’t

Then it really means
You didn’t like it

I’m just not sure
What to do
Because at some point
Somebody’s going to ask me
If I liked this movie

And by ‘Somebody’s gonna ask’
What I mean is that
Somebody’s going to talk about it
On social media
And I’m going to feel obligated
To also say something
So people know how I feel
Because I’m a transparent person
Who believes in transparency
And believes that public opinions
Are us exercising our rights
As Americans
To tell people
When we liked something
They didn’t like
Or hate a tv show
They say is meaningful to them

So I have to come up with
What I’m going to say
About why I like
This movie I don’t like

I just wish I had paid attention
During high school English
When they were teaching us
How to think critically
Instead of just think

You know I went back
And watched that movie again
To see if I could figure out
Why I didn’t like it
When I’m not supposed
To not like it
And I don’t know why
But I liked it even less
And yet I could see
Why I was supposed to like it
Even more than I did the first time

And all these people
Who I know don’t like the movie
Are saying they like it
And they’re all being
Such fakes about it
And I don’t start catching up to them
Pretty soon they’re going to find out
That I dislike it
As much as they do
And then I might as well
Deactivate all my accounts
Because at that point
We have what is called
A crisis

A brand crisis

And I can’t survive that
I can’t have a brand crisis right now
I just barely survived
Posting that photo of a sunset
That I thought was pretty
Not even realizing
That one of the clouds in the back
Looked like a swastika

Do you have any idea
The damage control
I had to do?

I need to get back into
The conversation
The positive conversation
The right conversation

I need to like that movie
And if I can’t like it
I need to at least decide why
So I can come up with a hot take about it

If I have to dislike it
I have to have an original reason
To dislike it
Or I have to like it
Which is so much easier
Because nobody expects you
To be interesting
If you like something

You can just like it

I’m telling you

It’s so much


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