Monday, February 10, 2020

Who I Stopped Talking To After the Baby Shower

I don’t talk to Elisha anymore
Because she made a comment
On one of my photos
With the baby
About how the baby’s finally
Got some good coloring

My baby never had bad coloring
My baby’s coloring has always been
Completely fine
And the insinuation
That somehow the baby’s coloring
Is NOT fine
Was unwelcome
And unappreciated
And the further insinuation
That I am a bad mother
Who has babies
With bad coloring
Was ALSO unwelcome
And unappreciated

I don’t talk to my cousin Stephanie
Because she told her mother
My aunt
Who told my mom
That I didn’t say ‘Thank you’
For the crib she got me
When I made it a point
To send her a ‘Thank you’ card
And then when my mother asked me
If I said ‘Thank you’ at the shower
I told her I didn’t get a chance to
Because so much was happening
And there was a lot going on
And excuse me if I’m a little busy
At my baby shower
Like, forgive me for my sins, Cousin Stephanie
But she DID get a VERY nice ‘Thank you’ card
For which I have not received a ‘Thank you’
And until I get a ‘Thank you’
For my ‘Thank you’ card
I will not be speaking with her again
And yes, I did hate the crib she got me
But that had nothing to do
With me being too overwhelmed
To thank her for her ugly gift
At my baby shower

I don’t talk to my sister Emily anymore
For reasons that I know
And she knows
And we won’t be going into
The details
But suffice it to say
She was very hurtful towards me
By saying things that, yes,
Might have been true
But did not need to be spoken
About my Pomeranian allergy
And all I will say
Because I don’t want to get into it again
But all I WILL say
Is that if you love your sister
And she asks you
To re-home your Pomeranian
So that she can come stay at your house
When she needs to
Without any notice
Because having a baby can be very stressful
And self-care needs to be the top priority
Then you re-home that Pomeranian
And you do NOT accuse her
Your sister
Meaning me
Of being ridiculous
And of not even HAVING a Pomeranian allergy
Because you need to believe people
When they tell you
Who they are
And what they’re allergic to

I’m no longer speaking with Cindy
Because she pretended to pass out
From exhaustion
After helping put the shower together
Which was just her way
Of making the day about her
And her low blood sugar
And not about me
And honestly
If my sister wants to accuse somebody
Of being a faker
She should start with my former friend Cindy
Who is a first-rate actress
And a third-rate friend
And none of the centerpieces
Even REMOTELY resembled a stork
So I don’t know what the hell she was passing out over
Because I did NOT see that amount of work
Being put in
Not at all

I’m still talking to my grandmother
But our relationship is rocky to say the least at this point

I just don’t let people
Walk all over me
And she loooooves to walk
So we’re rebuilding the trust we had before
And by ‘before’ I mean
Before she accused me
Of naming my baby
After my grandfather’s new girlfriend
Which is totally false
Because I have always wanted to name my baby
And it’s just a coincidence
That my grandfather’s new twenty-four year old girlfriend
Happens to have the exact same name

You know, you have a baby
And everybody forgets
That the world is not all about them
It is about this precious new life
That you are bringing onto the planet
And they expect you
To just keep checking in on them
And calling them
And not missing things
Or being three hours late to things
Or forgetting it’s their birthday
Or that they’re in remission
Whatever that means
And that they’re getting divorced
Or, like, they’re pregnant too now
Which, like, okay copycast
But, like, can I just have this one day?

Can I just have this one day
And, like, maybe a year or two
After that one day
To, like, be the important one?

I mean, is that asking too much?

Who do I talk to about that?

Is there anybody
I can talk to?

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