Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Joe Biden

I told him it was bullshit
That all of a sudden
He can’t stand Joe Biden

All those memes he posted
And all those nice things
About Uncle Joe
And all of a sudden
He runs for President
And he’s the devil

They did the same thing to Hillary
They do it to everyone

They like you as long as
You don’t grab for the brass ring

As soon as you show
Even a little bit of ambition
For something bigger
Than what you have
They eat you alive
And I don’t think that’s right

I don’t think that’s right at all

This on-the-pedestal
Off-the-pedestal nonsense
Has got to stop

He said to me--

I never said
I wanted Joe Biden to run

Well maybe you didn’t
But a lot of other people did

A lot of people want him to run
And you don’t get to tell those people
They’re idiots
Because they think somebody
With all that experience
Who already spent eight years
In the White House
Under a President you love so much
Can’t run a country

I mean, listen to yourself

This is why he and I can’t talk
About any of this

Because I think it all goes back to age
And how we’re supposed to just keep electing
Thirty-year-olds and let them learn
On the job

Where’s the sense in that?

Because when you’re young you’re pure
But when you’re old and you’ve been around awhile--

If I hear one more twenty-year-old
Talking about the mistakes somebody made
Back forty years ago
As if forty years from now
They’re going to be clean as a whistle
When they look back on their lives

I don’t think Biden is perfect
But I don’t think I’m perfect either
And when you go around
Trashing somebody
Because he puts his foot in his mouth sometimes
And he’s made a few mistakes
Because he lived at a time
When those mistakes weren’t mistakes
Then yes, I take that personally
Because you’re talking about somebody
That sounds a lot like me

And when they try to say--

Well don’t you want somebody
Better than you
Running the country?

Sure, I do
But when it comes to trust?

Who do you think I trust?

Somebody like me
Or somebody not like me?

You want trust to be an issue
But then when I tell you
Who I trust
You tell me I shouldn’t

Well to hell with you!

I think he can get elected
And maybe I’m wrong in thinking that
Because, yes, I thought the same thing
About Hillary

But wouldn’t I be a damn fool
To support somebody
I didn’t think could get elected?

You don’t bet on a horse
You think won’t win the race
Just because you like the horse

All this purity
And all this sanctimony
And all it boils down to
Is a bunch of people stamping their feet
Because somebody who isn’t cool
Might wind up in a position
That doesn’t have a damn thing to do
With being cool

You think Lincoln was cool?
You think Eisenhower was cool?
Not that Eisenhower was all that great, but--

I told him--

Keep pushing me
And see what happens

I don’t know how he thinks
He’s going to get anywhere
Agitating everybody

Have a real conversation with me
And maybe you can get me to see things
From your side a little bit clearer
But just dismissing me outright
Means dismissing a whole lot of other people
And last time I checked
That’s not how you win elections
Except I’m starting to think
That’s the whole point

If he backed a candidate
That could actually win
I suppose he’d need some other reason
Not to call his father

This is--

This is just making it easier for him

Making it easier
For a lot of people

I guess

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