Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How I Teach the Kids to Hide

The kids wanted to live
In a big house

We found one
Right on the outskirts
Of where Pittsburgh
Used to be
And I thought it was far enough
Away from everything
That we would be safe

But we still figured out
The hiding spots
And, you know, it’s a good thing
Because they came at two am
Just like they always do

Not sure why two am
But that’s usually
When it happens

My daughter heard them first
Because she’s a light sleeper
And she woke up her brother
As she…

As she had been
Taught to do

They went into the crawlspace
Behind where we put
The hollowed out chest of drawers
So it was easy to move
Even for them
And I pushed the chest back against the wall
Then I went into the couch
We had…

We had dug out the insides
And put the cushions over it
So, you know, if you didn’t know any better
You’d think it was just a regular couch

It worked too
Because the guy
The guy and his girlfriend
They actually sat down on it
At one point
And I almost laughed
It was kind of funny
But then…

Then the girl said
She remembered
There being a crawlspace
Where the chest of drawers was
And I realized
They’d been to the house before
And I wondered if I could take at least
One of them down
And give the kids a chance

But the guy said the girl was just high
And she was
She was high
And they went upstairs
And I could hear them, uh…

So I grabbed the kids
And we left
Quiet as we could
And kept walking

Now we don’t stay anywhere
Very long
Even though the kids
Would like us to
But they’ve stopped asking
Because they know how I get
When they bring it up

We do have to spend the night
In different places
And the first thing we do
When we walk in somewhere
After I’ve checked all the rooms
Is pick where the hiding spots are

Some houses have really good ones
And you almost wonder if they put them in place
After all this started
But with others
You sort of have to get creative
Like the house we found a few weeks ago
Where I had to pull up some floorboards
And kick away some cobwebs
And pipes and things
Then have them get down in it to test it
And they were crying
Because they were hungry
And tired
And I was hungry
And tired
But I told them
I kept telling them
How important it was
Because it’ll never be safe
It’ll just…

It’ll never be safe

So they got down
And I put the boards back over them
And we do this thing
Where I count to a hundred
And they have to stay in place
And not make a sound

And that night…

I don’t know why
But that night
I counted past a hundred

I counted to two hundred
Then three hundred

And they never made a sound

The whole time
They just stayed there

Waiting for me
To tell them
It was okay

To come out

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