Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Husband Takes the Cake

She baked her husband
Into the birthday cake
But then she forgot
The candles

Sitting there with the cake
In a dark room
That was supposed to be lit
By the flames of waning wax
She thought about how her husband proposed
Eleven years and four hours ago

(Not taking time zones into consideration)

He left the ring on the table
At the restaurant
Where they were getting dinner
And he went to the bathroom

When he came back
She had reluctantly agreed
But the ring was still there
On the checkered tablecloth
Waiting for someone
To give it a good home

She doesn’t remember
When she finally put it on

Probably that night
Lying in bed
Her little bedroom apartment
With its oddly shaped
Rectangle window
Looking out at a small park
With a playground
And a tree she always told herself
She would read under one day

It’s possible she still could

Trees aren’t easy to move
And the park may still be there as well

The ring was in the birthday cake
With her husband
The tip of one of his fingers
Still a bit visible
But she’d done her best
To layer on extra frosting
In order to conceal it

Not that she was trying
To hide her deed

She’d called the police
As soon as the cake was out of the oven
And invited them to come by
And have a piece
Right before they arrested her

The officer who took the call
Said they’d had more and more women
Baking their husbands into birthday cakes
And that as soon as the recent wave
Of measles was back under control
They wanted to do some sort of study
To figure out why it was happening

‘Did he ever hit you,’ the officer asked

He had been a wonderful husband
But he had been the wrong husband
And he was thoughtless
Which wasn’t wonderful
But if that’s all your husband is
It’s wonderful
Because it’s not hard to think of
All the other things he could be
Unless you have no imagination
And she had always had
A very active imagination

The right husband would have been
A little taller
A lot more creative
And a better kisser

This one could have been divorced
But it was her birthday
And she felt like cake
And she got mad looking at him
Sitting at the kitchen table
Not remembering her birthday
So up went the skillet
Against his head
Over and over again
And the next thing you know
You’re mixing your husband’s teeth
In with the batter

The idea of being a murderer
Shouldn’t have excited her
But it did

When you’ve been nobody
Your whole life
Getting to be anybody
Can seem like a nice
Change of pace

She hears the sirens
Before she sees the blue
And red lights
Run across the blinds
In the living room

For a moment
The house is lit by the law
And she sighs
As she puts down the card
She found
A few minutes
Before the cake was complete

It was from her husband
And it said ‘Love’
But no name
And no special message

Just ‘Love’

That was just like him

It was exactly
What she


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