(MARTY THE CLOWN has just arrived at a birthday party. CARLY, BILLY, and LARISSA are all sitting in a semi-circle in front of him.)
MARTY: --And my FAVORITE trick involves balloons. Can you guess what I can do with balloons?
CARLY: Scream obscenities into them?
MARTY: Uh. No.
CARLY: That's what I do with socks. My dad isn't (Air quotes) 'crazy about it' but it's the only thing that keeps me from eating my hair.
MARTY: I...Okay. Uh, well, that's--a thing. But I was going to say--Balloon animals!
BILLY: What kind of animals?
MARTY: Any kind you want!
BILLY: Stingrays?
MARTY: Uh--sure. I--Well...
BILLY: You know, a stingray killed Steve Irwin.
MARTY: What?
BILLY: Steve Irwin. A stingray killed him.
MARTY: I--I'm confused.
BILLY: He was the Crocodile Hunter.
MARTY: I know who Steve Irwin was.
LARISSA: Can you make Tasmanian Tiger?
MARTY: Uh--sure?
LARISSA: No, you can't. It went extinct in 1936. It was a marsupial cannibal.
MARTY: I don't what that is.
LARISSA: And you call yourself a zoologist?
MARTY: I don't call myself that. I call myself a clown.
LARISSA: Sounds about right to me.
CARLY: Can you make a zombie?
BILLY: A zombie's not an animal.
CARLY: I wish I was a zombie.
BILLY: You could be a zombie if you wanted to be one, but it still wouldn't make you an animal.
CARLY: Humans are animals. We tell ourselves we have souls, but it's just us trying to justify our own existence.
MARTY: Hey! Would anybody like a balloon elephant?
LARISSA: Elephants are going extinct too.
MARTY: But not...balloon elephants!
LARISSA: Do you know what poachers do to elephants after they kill them?
BILLY: I do. It's grotesque.
MARTY: So! Who's birthday is it?
CARLY: Mine.
MARTY: God, I was afraid of that.
CARLY: Another year falling off the rose like a withered petal.
MARTY: You seem sad.
CARLY: Only a moron would be happy at a time like this.
BILLY: Have you looked at air pollution statistics lately?
LARISSA: I have a mark on my arm that my mom says is a birthmark, but when I touch it, it turns colors. I've probably been exposed to radioactivity.
MARTY: It could be a bruise.
LARISSA: Are you saying I punch myself in the arm a lot just to make myself feel something? Because if so...who told you?
MARTY: Do you want to know a song I love?
CARLY: Do you want to know how my hair tastes?
BILLY: Can I eat some of your hair?
MARTY: Nobody's eating anybody's hair.
LARISSA: We're going to have to eat something when the world's food supply runs low.
CARLY: When I'm a zombie, I'll eat other people.
MARTY: You really like zombies, huh?
CARLY: I like zombies like Gatsby loved Daisy.
BILLY: My dad was reading Gatsby in our bomb shelter when he had his second stroke.
MARTY: Are any of you kids on medication, because--?
LARISSA: I don't believe in medication.
CARLY: Oh, are you a Christian scientist? There was a whole thing on NPR about them.
LARISSA: No, I just love feeling everything that's wrong with me at all times.
BILLY: Mr. Clown, can you make me a balloon goldfish?
MARTY: I'm Marty the Clown. Mr. the Clown is in prison. But sure I can!
BILLY: My goldfish died in the fire.
MARTY: The--you know what? I don't want to know.
CARLY: Wasn't that fire ruled...suspicious?
BILLY: No. It wasn't.
(A beat.)
BILLY: Do you have something you want to say, Carly?
CARLY: No, Billy, do you?
MARTY: What is this tension?
LARISSA: Tension will take years off your life. I wish I were more tense, but the preservatives they put in the peanut butter my mom gives me has essentially liquidated all my muscles.
MARTY: I should get working on this goldfish.
BILLY: Make sure you only give him one eye.
CARLY: How'd he lose the eye, Billy?
MARTY: Kids, does anybody want to play duck, duck, goose?
LARISSA: Do you have any idea how many diseases a duck carries in its beak?
CARLY: Ask Billy what happened to his pet duck.
BILLY: I swear to god, Carly...
MARTY: I'm really wishing you kids had gotten a pony instead.
(A beat.)
LARISSA: We did.
(A beat.)
Well, where is it?
(All the KIDS look at each other.)
CARLY: Why don't you just make us a nice balloon giraffe.
MARTY: But where's the--?
CARLY: Marty. Just make us...a giraffe.
BILLY: Yeah, Marty. Make the giraffe.
MARTY: But--
LARISSA: I won't even tell you how many there are left in the wild.
CARLY: Make it, Marty.
BILLY: Go ahead.
(MARTY starts to make the balloon giraffe, and as he does, he whimpers.)
End of Play
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