Saturday, April 11, 2020

What We Say About The Romans

I’m recording this now
For students in my 400 class
Because I’ve decided
I’m retiring
So there’s no need
To watch what I say anymore

Listen up, punks--

The Romans were a bunch
Of jerks

You read a history book
It says--

The Romans did this
The Romans did that

You know what the Romans did?

The Romans looked at all the good things
The Greeks did and went--

Let’s steal that
Rename it
And say we invented it

The Romans did to western civilization
What white people did to rock ‘n roll

Oh, and if anybody said--

Excuse me
But I invented that thing

You know what they did to you?

Nailed you to a cross
And burned down your library

These are the people
We get all excited about
Because they gave us roads


The Greeks gave us math
Philosophy, odometers
Olympics, alarm clocks
And souvlaki

But I have to spend
Two thirds of my class
Kiss Julius Caesar’s dead rear end
When the idiot
Got assassinated on the same day
His wife said--

Hey, I wouldn’t go to work today
If I were you
I think you might get assassinated

And you know what that moron does?

That history-changing genius?


My wife tells me to stay home
Because she’s makin chili
And I say ‘Sure’
But Caesar just HAD to go in that day

Genghis Khan is currently related
To thirty-seven million people
Alive today
But Shakespeare didn’t write a play
About him, now did he?

You know why?

Because when Genghis’ wife
Told him--

Don’t raid any villages today
You might get assassinated


Look, the reality is
History is written
By those who steal
And bring a label maker with them
When they steal
So they can label everything they stole
As theirs

But more than that
It’s written by the people
Who know enough
To stay home
When they’re told to

Tacitus said, He that fights and runs away,
May turn and fight another day; 
But he that is in battle slain, 
Will never rise to fight again

Tacitus was a Roman
But we won’t hold that against him

What he’s saying is--

You don’t need to get stabbed to death TODAY
You can get stabbed to death TOMORROW

You see, students
Life is not about preventing getting stabbed to death
By people you thought were your friends

Life is about deciding when
You FEEL LIKE getting stabbed to death
By people you thought were your friends
Forgetting that all your friends are politicians
And not politicians
But ROMAN politicians
Which means you may as well be friends
With a bunch of garbage-chewing raccoons
Wearing togas

Now, for your final exam
I’d like you to draw me a photo
Of a raccoon chewing on a piece of trash
While he stabs Caesar to death
On the steps of the Senate

It won’t be historically accurate
But that’s okay

Sometimes history is about what happened
And sometimes it’s about making sure
It doesn’t happen


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