The sun sets
On the Taylor’s marriage
The Taylor marriage?
The Taylors’ marriage?
How does that--
It doesn’t matter
Their last name is Taylor
And their marriage is ending
Two people
Are sitting on a hill
Looking out
On a pristine vista
A majestic…
A beach?
Are they looking at a beach?
Can a vista
Be a vista
Of a beach?
Because ‘vista’ is just ‘view’
It just means ‘view’
So could that--
Never mind
The point is
Their marriage is in shambles
They’re fighting
They’re crying
They’re having a rough go of it
And now the sun is setting
And Madison Taylor
Has had enough
She’s packing a suitcase
She’s writing a Dear John
Her husband name
Isn’t John by the way
It’s something else
But we weren’t given
That information
Tobey Taylor?
Does that sound right
Let’s just say Mr. Taylor
Mr. Taylor knows
That his marriage is on the rocks
But he’s still going to be upset
When he comes home
And finds a Dear John letter
And we’re not even sure
He knows it’s called
A ‘Dear John’ letter
He’s devastated
Even though he knew
The sun was setting
Because sometimes
You think you have more sun coming
And then--Wham!
Daylight Savings Time
And it’s dark
Before you know it
There’s that moment
Where you’re standing
In the middle of your house
With all the blinds open
And it’s pitch black out
And the woods that surround your house
Are staring at you
And you’re alone
And nobody’s coming home
Because your wife has left you
And the guy you let
Stay in your attic
Has also decided to move out
And he left you a letter as well
But that’s called a “Dear Phil’ letter
And now you have all these letters
And what the hell
Are you supposed to do with them
And outside
Vampires circle your house
Because the Taylors may not have a marriage
But Mr. Taylor has a vampire problem
And Mrs. Taylor is already on a plane
Headed to Romania
Which means soon she’ll have a vampire problem as well
And when we set out to write
About the dissolution
Of a marriage
We never saw it going down the road
Of vampires
But that’s how things go sometimes
And as for the two vampires
Staring at the beach vista
On a hill
They seem to be doing
All right
They don’t plan
On getting married
And that’s probably for the best
Since so few marriages
Work out these days
Especially with it
Getting darker
Earlier and earlier
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