Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Helen and the Haters

Ew, look at Dee

Dee, shut up

Like, shut up, Dee

Ew, I should walk over to her
And be like, shut up
But like, whatever

Does she think that I don't know
That she's talking about how I was talking about her
Because she was talking about my dance solo
Like she had any right to talk?

Ew, she's a hater

I bet she swims around in Florida marshes
With all her alli-haters
Crying alli-hater tears


Crocodile tears?

Ew, I'm not a zootrician
Don't be a hater

I love how she's hating on me
When she needs to be worried
About how her toxic personality
Is stifling her creativity

I know she's jealous of me
But, like get over it

Like, don't be so petty, Dee
And also, don't be so ugly
And also, I feel bad for you but I don't hate you
Because I'm not a hater, hater

She's like a master hater

No, I mean like expert hater
I wasn't trying to indicate that she masterbates
Because that would be so gross
I'd gag

I'd gaggggggggggggggggggg

Like a lot

Ew, she's STILL talking about me!

She must be talking about me
What else does she have to talk about?

I'm, like, standing right here

That'd be like if you were standing next to the sun
And not talking about what an amazing tan you're getting

I just want to be like
Stop being a hater tot

Did you see in her dance
When she had that slideshow
Of her and her dead mother
Camping in Maine?


I was going to throw up on myself
But then I remembered that's how Dee keeps herself thin
And I don't use hater dieting methods

Ew, look
They're leaving to go to practice

Later haters!

Who practices?

Like, if you're good
You don't need to practice

Like, I was born
And then I danced
And I was amazing
And then the end

Happily ever whatever

It's like a fairy tale and stuff

Look at them walk away
All hating us

Someone should tell them
How unattractive envy is

It's, like
The grossest thing ever

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