Friday, February 11, 2011

Only Clara Cuts My Hair

I'm sorry, I'm sorry
But only Clara cuts my hair

I let Muskadis do it once
And I looked like a shag carpet

No, I'm afraid it's Clara or nothing

Where should I sit?  Here?

Isn't this Clara's chair?

I hope you didn't fire her
Because if you fired her
I'd have to take my business elsewhere

I can't abide change
Life changes enough
Without us contributing to it

Who plans on shampooing me until Clara gets here?

Perhaps she's running late
She's been sick, you know
Sick with know
And if she's running late, that's fine
I don't want her overexerting herself

You develop a bond with the person who cuts your hair

Clara's more than a stylist to me
She's my dear friend

To be honest, I don't even need a haircut that badly
My hair takes forever to grow
I could wait six months in between haircuts
But I enjoy seeing Clara

Muskadis, you can shampoo me if you like
And I'll tip you for it
Just don't pick up those scissors
Or you'll regret it

Where are the photos?

Her photos of her--

Oh dear

Has she...?

Oh dear

I don't understand
Why didn't anybody call me?

I may be older, but I'm capable of handling bad news
You don't live eighty-four years on this planet
Without weathering some tough times

I'm saddened, of course
But she was sick
So I assume there was suffering
And now she's at peace
Which is fine

Well, I suppose I'll go home


What a silly question

Of course I know where...


Once I start walking
I'll remember

I'll just...

Muskadis, there's a number in my purse
Could you call it?

If you call it, then...

Then I should be all right

Muskadis, when they get here, can you...

You are Muskadis, aren't you?

That is your name, isn't it?

Can you tell me when Clara died?

Her name was Clara
She worked her
She cut my hair

Didn't she?

Didn't she?

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