So the Orpheus is celebrating
It’s big ten year anniversary
And they’re opening their season
With You Can’t Take It With You
So I’m all excited
Because I’ve never acted there
Just did community stuff
But I know that show
And it’s all about this loud crazy family
With a mother who butts into everybody’s business
So I’m thinking—this is my moment
I go
I audition
They say thank you
I get sent home
And they never called me
Or cast me
Può asini pisciare sulla loro tomba.
May donkeys piss on their graves.
Grave or graves?
Did I say that right?
Eh, who the hell cares?
A month later I go to see the show
And they got all these professional actors in it
Talking all quiet
I felt like I was watching a Charlie Chapstick movie
You could tell not a single actor on that stage
Was Italian
I’m going—Why did they waste their money
Trying to get quiet people to be loud
When they could have just hired loud people
In the first place
You get what I’m saying?
That’s theater for you
Putting a monkey up onstage
And telling him to act like a cow
Instead of just getting a friggin’ cow
Me, I ended up doing voice-overs
For nature documentaries
…Hahaha yeah right
With this voice?
Nah, I played Fran Drescher’s mother
In a tv movie
Did better than any of those quiet people
I’ll tell you that much
Good theater
Is for loud people
You gotta be LOUD!
There, take that advice with you
That’s worth the price of the ticket
Right there
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