Thursday, January 4, 2018

Men in Other Cities

He took the keys
And I haven’t seen him since

I’m not going to fight
I’m not going to, ha
Get in a fight
With a man
Some man
Who I just met
At a bar

That would be--

He was, haha, going on
I wasn’t really paying attention
You know
To tell you the truth
I wasn't paying a lick of attention
To him

I mean, it's a hotel

You don’t pay attention
When a drunk guy sits down next to you
And buys you a few drinks
That’s not your job

I have a job
That’s not my job

I’ve met men like him before
Men in other cities

This one has a tie--

Oh, guess how much my tie costs?

I don’t fucking know
How much your tie costs

It's a tie

I mean, Jesus Christ

Is telling men everywhere
That the key to a woman’s heart
Is a three-piece suit
And half a smile
And it’s, god, it’s really sad

Now you--

You’re young

You’re from--where?


Fuck, that’s fantastic

I fucking love--

Sorry, my language

I know
It's jarring
It's jarring for a man your age
To hear a woman my age
Use language like that
But my mouth's been dirty for a long time
And it's not getting cleaned up anytime soon
I can tell you that

I love that you’re from the--oh my god--the Midwest

That is priceless

Indiana is the Midwest, right?

Close enough either way

Is that why you’re so polite?

I don’t know anybody your age, you know

Twenty-one is--

I mean, Jesus Christ

You might as well be from another Universe

And you don’t need to wear a tie
You probably don’t even own a tie
And I love that
I really do

I used to have a whole pack of twenty-one year-old’s at my disposal, you know
But, uh, haha, you get a little older
Then you get a little more older
Then you get even older than that
And pretty soon only the gray-haired men
With the G&T addictions want anything to do with you

I was supposed to go off
And become a trophy wife
To one of those men who--


One of those men who leave bars
When they shouldn’t be driving
And tells you their whole life story
Like you’re supposed to give a damn

Just because you’re a woman
Who can hear the nonsense
Plummeting out of his mouth
You're supposed to...


I have men like that everywhere--

Even London

I found boring men
In London
Do you believe that? Must be a real talent
I have

So there is no chance of me
Getting some kind of magical ending
To my life

No opportunity on the horizon
For salvation
From some white knight
Or shining prince

And uh, I’ve smoked enough cigarettes to know
That I’m probably going to wind up
Chained to an oxygen tank some day

Nobody to take care of me
Nobody to see that I’m, uh
That I’m taken care of

Then you come along

And you’ve got a nice

Nothing half about you, huh?

It’s great


It is great

But here's what I know--

And now I'm just going to say it
Because why beat around the bush? You're going to fall in love with me

Younger men

It’s what they do

They fall for women
Old enough
To be their--

Well, their older sister, let’s say
Or maybe a young aunt

But are you gonna stop me
From going
To all those other cities?

Boarding all those…

Long flights?

You think we’re gonna be pen pals?

Are you even old enough
To know
What a pen pal is?

Jesus Christ

I’m gonna--

You know what I’m gonna do?

I’m gonna wipe off
Half my lipstick

Put out my cigarette
Pay my tab

And head on up to my room


You can meet me there

--It’s Room 503, by the way--

Or you can stay here On that little bar stool of yours

But if you come up
You’re only getting
Half a smile from me, see?

Not the full--uh, haha
Not the full thing



Just half

Half a smile
And my full attention
For the remainder of the evening
And only
The evening

Not the morning
Not the morning after that
Just this evening
If you do, uh
If you do come up


That’s it

That’s it, kid

That’s all I’ve got
To give

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