Friday, January 12, 2018

The Water Came Up Around Him

The water came up around him
And from across the street
I was just praying

I was just sitting up in my house
Praying for somebody
To do something
Because I just couldn’t believe
What I was seeing

Poor old man
Just laying in his bed
And water coming up around him
Like a snake
Trying to grab a hold

I used to know all my neighbors, you know
Because I was taught
To be familiar
With the people around you
My parents taught me that
They taught all of us that
Me and my sisters
My brother
You know

But once people started moving
Out of the neighborhood
I started losing track
And, uh well, people aren’t friendly
The way they used to be

Nobody comes over
And introduces themselves
When they move in

And when you go to meet people
They don't answer the door
They pretend they're not home
So why bother

I can see people
From my bedroom window
Because it faces the street

Of course, I’m no eavesdropper
But I can’t help having no curtains
And if the other person doesn’t have any either
Then I guess we’re just going to get to know each other
A little better
Aren’t we?

The old man moved in
Back in, oh god, must have been ’93/’94?
I waved at him when he was getting his mail once
But he didn’t wave back
And that was about it
As far as any, uh, interaction went
Between the two of us

Are you sure I can’t get you a cup of tea?

Do you like coffee?

All right, well, I was sitting there
Waiting to hear from my son
Because he—

Well, this is wild
But it’s true

--He rented a boat

A boat
To come and get me

Do you believe that?

That’s what happened
Honest to god

He called me right before we lost all the services
And said ‘Mama, it’s gonna get real bad.  Just sit tight.’
That was when he told me he got a boat
And I almost fainted dead away

Imagine my son
Coming to pick me up
In a boat
Like it was nothing

Lord, oh lord

But that’s what he did

You’re not interested in any of that though
I know, I know
I’m sorry

Well, you’re interested
But you’re not
Because I’m still here

I’m still here talking to you
And that man isn’t

And that…

I think about that
All the time

About the water
How it…

How it just
Came up around him

And him just laying there
In bed
Not moving
Face up
Looking at the ceiling like…

Like if he didn’t see the water
It wasn’t going to get him

I remember getting up
And banging on my window
Just pounding on it, and—

You know, I’m not a very strong person
But I thought I was going to bust
Right through that glass
Trying to get his attention

And I didn’t even care

Pounding on my windows
My husband put in those window
And they are strong
But boy did I pound

Did I ever

Trying to get him
To get up off that bed
And do something

Now, I don’t know what
I don’t know what I would have…

But I—


My son was coming

My son was coming
And he could’ve—

He could’ve taken him too
I mean, this boat—

This boat he rode up in
Had plenty of room
Plenty of room
For other people in it

Plenty of room
For some foolish old man
Who lays down in a bed
When the water is coming up around him
Instead of trying to get to a roof or something

You think the water wasn’t coming up on me?
You think I wasn’t scared?
You think if my son didn’t have that boat
I wouldn’t have been just where that man is now?

But hell no I wasn’t just going to lay there
And let it take me

I would have put my head through that glass
And tried swimming
Dumb as that sounds

I would have fought before I let
The water take me away
Like that

I know some people didn't want to leave their houses
But that's just dumb
I'm sorry
But it doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me

You think I didn't raise all my kids in that house?
You think my husband didn't die there?
You think that house didn't mean something to me?

But when I meet the good Lord
I'm not going to tell Him
That I died because I was married
To four walls and a floor
Now that's just foolish
And there ain't no other word for it

By the time my son showed up
The water was up to my waist
In my own living room

And I should have been thinking about being electrocuted
Or catching some disease
But instead I was just looking across the street
At that man
Lying in bed
Not doing a thing

Not doing a damn thing
For himself

When my son picked me up, I said we had to go get that man
And he said ‘Mama, how we gonna do that?’
And I said, ‘I don’t know, but we gotta’
I said we’d have to break through a window
Or a door or something
But then the—the utility pole or whatever it was
Came down right in front of us
And I thought we were all goners

My son gunned the engine
And the boat took off
And I was screaming

Screaming about the old man
In the bed

Screaming because I saw him

I saw him

And that meant—

That meant I had to do something
That meant it was my—my—

My God-given responsibility
To do something



Well I don’t know what else to say

I’m just…

I’m not sure
There’s anything else
To say

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