Sunday, April 8, 2018

What I Did to Get the Story

There was this girl
Sitting there
And, uh
She was--

She was crying
And I could tell

I could just tell
Who she was

I could see that, uh
That she was probably
The girlfriend of the guy
That um...

That had...

I had--

I had overheard
That there had been a, uh
A girlfriend
In the car
With him

So I…

I went up to her
And I, uh, I sort of--

She was crying really hard
And I put on my--

Oh fuck, this is--

I’ve never had to, like
Break down my--

What I’ve done in a situation like--

So she was crying
And I, you know
I’m a guy
So I put on this--

This very soft sort of tone
That I, um, I would call a, um
Well, it’s offensive, kind of
But I am--

I mean, I’m--

I just made my voice--

I mean, it wasn’t a totally different voice
But it was, uh, playing up my--

I was like--

Hi sweetie, are you okay?

You know, because that way
She wouldn’t be like--

Who’s this guy?
Why is he talking to me?

Women just have a way of responding
When you, sort of, get across that you’re--

You know

And I mean, I wasn’t lying or anything
I am, uh, but I was definitely
Uh, like I said, playing that up
To, uh, get this, uh, desired...result

And, uh, I was like--

Hey sweetie, are you okay?
Do you need to talk, sweetie?
Can you tell me what happened?

And she did

She told me the whole thing

The robbery
The car chase
The, uh--

They thought maybe she had been kidnapped
But then they figured out--

And I guess there was so much commotion
And she was clearly in shock
So they had just left her, uh--

You know, right on the side of the road there
While they dealt with him
And with, uh, everything that was--

And she told me

She told me the whole story

And, you know, I had this
First responder jacket
That I keep in my car
So that if something like this comes up
And a police officer or somebody
Looks over at me
They think I’m just--

They see me there
With my hand on this girl’s back
Comforting her
Listening to her
And they don’t think anything of it

And that’s how I got the story

So I mean, I--

I haven’t really--

I don’t talk about stuff like that
Like I said
And I never really assume
There’s, uh, that there’s--

You know, anything wrong with it, but uh…

Fuck, you know, it’s--

It’s weird talking about it

It, uh, it kind of makes me think about it
In a way, I, uh…


Because I know she wouldn’t have talked to me
If she had known that I was a reporter
I don’t think--

I mean, I don’t think
I know
I know she wouldn’t have, uh--

So I created this perception that, uh
Where she could, um

I, uh...

You know what?

I’m sorry, but--

I don’t really feel like talking anymore

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