My entire life
That's how it feels anyway
Have a seat
I know you've talked to my family
They're quite the bunch, aren't they?
Very interesting
It was an interesting house
To grow up in
Do you see what I did there?
I was careful with my language
I used trepidation
Do you know what that means?
It means I'm careful
I'm very careful
Because you never know
Even with family
You never know
I'm very conscious
Of how much use
Someone has
How much I can get out of someone
The fact is
When you cut ties with someone
If we're talking cutting ties
Which I'm assuming we are
If we're talking cutting ties
Then you really have to accept
That one day the ties you cut
May end up cutting you
I call it the 'Behind the Table' philosophy
Just like now
How I'm behind the table
I have the power
Because you need something from me
You need a story
You need material
Don't you?
So I'm behind the table
If we had known each other before now
And you had, at any point
Decided that I was of no use to you
And never would be
Then you'd have cut ties
And I'd be sitting here now
Behind the table
And you'd be kicking yourself
Wouldn't you?
That's why I'm very hesitant to cut ties
Unless more ties will end up being cut
By my keeping ties
Are you following me?
Would you like a drink?
I can get you a drink
I use trepidation when cutting ties
Because I believe
That at some point
Everyone sits behind the table
At which point
You have to be careful
If you've cut ties
That you're not the one
In front of the table
So I'm very cautious
In how I speak
In what I say
In how I talk to people
Because you never know
You just never know
Publish a nasty story
About someone's family
Calling them the Trailer Trash Kennedys
Calling the patriarch of the family
An overrated, wannabe Matisse
Calling the mother a man-eating swamp thing
Calling the children...
...Things children shouldn't be called
Then you run the risk
Of those children
One day
Growing up
It's amazing
What you can find
When you google someone's name
Isn't it?
Old articles they've written...
You should hear all the words
All the ways I came up with
Of protecting my family
Of phrasing their problems
So that they didn't sound so bad
I've been learning
All my life
And the one thing I was always clear on
Was that you have to be behind the table
If you're not behind the table
You're begging for kindness
And that's unacceptable
To me, anyway
I'm not comfortable
Are you?
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