Monday, July 6, 2009

Go Chase Yourself

-- How They Dance in Wonderland (Pt. 1) --

"Go Chase Yourself"

I know you don't plan on me chasing you
In these shoes

These shoes
My good shoes
My heels with the stripe

Chasing after you
You and your needs
Your beating heart needs
Looking at me
Thinking I'm gonna give chase

Down over and under you
Waiting for you to finish
Beating yourself up
So we can be people again

So we can have fun
Have a party
Hold hands
And not pull each other
Down into some hole
Into the ground
Where nobody can see
You run
Or me chase

Or hear fleeting curse words
When my heel finally breaks

I'm through
Through chasing you
Watching you run
Away from me
And yourself

Looking back at me
Wondering which of
The two of us
Is going to catch you first

I'm done
It's not fun anymore
I'm not young enough
To do it anymore
And not that stupid anymore

It's not fun trying to figure out
What pills I have to take
To get through your little door
While you look through the keyhole
Hoping I'll solve
All your puzzles

So we can end the fight
And cuddle
Fall asleep
Before we even get a chance
To catch our breath

I'm sick
I'm sick to death
I'm dying
And you run

You run


Find another runner
Someone with better shoes
Who can get in front of you
Check your e-mails
Check your phone
Check every place
You've been hiding

You wanna give chase
That's all that you give
Go ahead
Give it

But you'll be chasing

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