Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Size

What are you looking at?

You got less to look at now
But you can't stop looking

Can you?

Now that I'm down
Almost two hundred pounds
You wanna look

Well go ahead

Have a look

Have a whole bunch of looks

Have two hundred pounds
Worth of looks
And I'll still have some to spare

Now that there's less to see
You can't stop looking
And I'm fine with that

I guess you like
My new size

All the stuff that hasn't changed
A veritable list of things

All still the same

My eyes
My hair
My bubbling personality

The only thing that's changed
Is my size

Do I see the world differently?
Oh yes

I see a whole lot of people
Who laughed behind my back
Who turned me down
Who thought I was done
Before I even began

Now that I'm not big and imposing
Nobody's got anything nasty to say

And they think they can smile
They can smile
And all's forgiven

Well maybe it is
You know why?
Because it's easy to forgive
When you're wearing tight jeans

When you're in a t-shirt
And tight jeans
And a belt on its last notch

You can be a downright saint
You can be sweet as pie
You can be anything you want

When you're my size

But you know
Truth be told
I miss the old me
Just a little bit

Because there was so much
That I didn't understand
Because I wouldn't have been able to handle it
I wouldn't have been able
To see the difference in people's eyes

I wouldn't have known
That there was a difference

I wouldn't have thought
That being smaller was better
That being so small
You can hardly see a person

That something like that
Would be preferable

Crazy as it sounds
Crazy, huh?

I miss my size
I miss having all that joy inside me
Because I don't have it now

I guess I just don't have room for it

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