Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why He Dates The Whale

I didn't get it
Not at first
I was so frustrated
So terribly frustrated

It infuriated me
It really did

Jonah and Walt

Or as we called them

--Jonah and The Whale

I didn't like that nickname
I don't like being mean
But the truth is
Jonah is such a fuck

I mean, he really is
He takes a perfectly good verb
And nouns it

He's a fuck

And The Whale--
I mean Walt
Is just lovely

I mean, he's hideous
But lovely
In a polite sort of way

They've been together

Are you ready?


And I didn't really understand
The whole thing
Nothing about it made sense

I kept thinking--

Where does Jonah get off
Being that obnoxious and--
I mean, the only word you can use--
It's just--

He acts like someone
Who should have...

A hot boyfriend
You know?

Like how can you have...Walt
And act like that?

And Walt--
He's stuck with Jonah
Which can't be fun
But at least, you know
You can...

You can understand
You know?

But Jonah...

So I was frustrated
And then it hit me
It actually hit me
I mean, Jonah hit me

He hit me
Because he meant to hit Walt
And I walked in front of him

He was going to hit Walt
Because he told Walt
To do something
And Walt said no
And Jonah...

...Was going to hit him

And instead
Hit me

Isn't that fucked up?

I mean, not the part about me
That hurt, but it wasn't fucked up
But the other shit
That's like...abuse

Isn't that fucked?
I mean, he's a fuck
He's truly a fuck

But at that moment
I got it

He dates Walt
Because another guy
A better looking guy
A guy who's had confidence
Poured into him
His whole life

Who's been told he's worth something
Who's been truly loved by someone
Who's had someone give him all of themselves
And not ask for anything back...

That guy would knock Jonah's fucking teeth out

That's why he dates the Whale
That's why

Isn't that fucked up?
I mean
That's really
Fucked up

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