Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Practical Reasons for Liking Boys

I have to say, Scott
I have to say that I didn't want
I didn't want to say this
Not so forwardly

But I have been elected
Chosen, you could say
Amongst everyone we know
To discuss with you
A solution we've come up with

For your...

For your problem

What problem?
Please, Scott
Let's not joke
There's so little time in life
As it is

Do you want some coffee?
I made coffee
Do you like coffee?
I feel there's so little I know about you, Scott
So little I've ever tried to know

We've decided
We've all decided
That it's time for your life to turn
To turn in a more...

Progressive direction

We've decided
That you should like boys

Now, before you say anything
Let's keep some things in mind

One, being gay is not a choice
I'm not talking about being gay
You either are gay, or you're not
And I'm aware, that you're not

But I'm also aware
That when you only like Sprite
And the market's out of Sprite
You buy whatever soda they have

It's time to buy some new soda, Scott

Two, you've never, and we're really saying 'never' here
Meaning 'never' as in 'never'
Had a successful relationship with a woman

Let's be practical about this, Scott
If it hasn't happened by now
It just ain't gonna happen

Three, boys seem to like you
The last time I brought you to Romeo
When I didn't tell you where you going
And you just thought we were in a really nice place
Where guys buy other guys drinks
You were a huge hit

You can be a huge hit again, Scott
It's possible

Isn't that an uplifting thought?

. . . . .

I know that it's harder than it sounds
But sometimes in life
You have to make bold choices

Women don't like you
They just don't
I don't know why
You seem like a nice guy
It might just be their gender

But you can't fight City Hall

...Or half the planet, for that matter

So I say, go with the flow
And the flow is mano e mano, Scott
It's time commit
To a new way of life

It's time to choose the life that can't be chosen

It's for the best

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