Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I Could Swim In It

-- How They Dance in Wonderland (Pt. 2) --

"I Could Swim In It"


You're so deep
Sooo deep

Piling all your bullshit
Right on top of me
Trying to drown me
But just remember baby

I can swim

I can swim in it
You can fill this room with your tears
And I can swim around the room
Doing laps in your crocodile water
That's what I can do

I can dog paddle
I can backstroke
I can lap it all up

Smelling salty
When I emerge
From your verge

I can take it all in
And throw it back at you

Pour it on you
All over you
As I'm all over you
So that you'll be covered
Covered in all your own lies

In your mess
In your manipulation
In yourself

Tasting like your heartache
Reeking like your runny sorrow

I'll bathe you in all your issues
If you wanna test me
Test me

Give me a puddle
To dip my toe into
And see how I do

See how I swim
Try to find a glimmer
In my eye
As your private tide
Creeps up
Inside the palatial setting
And I'm betting
Your boy can swim

You wanna shoot up
To three times your height
Or drop down on some little white knights
That you pop in your mouth
As the floor hits your chin
If you wanna
Let's go
Let's get it going
Let's begin all over again

Let's watch your vices
After your prowess
Your presence
Your width

See who you're with
When it's all said and done
And tell me how chasing me
Just ain't any fun

Tell you what
Here's who we'll be

The good guy and the bad
The cad and the victim
The happy and the sad
The swimmer and the sunk

See that glimmer flare up yet?


I feel cooler already

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