This is my apartment
This is where I kept my fish
This is where I kept my herbs
This is where I kept my bookcase
This is my apartment
This is when the rent is due
This is when the cable is due
This is when the the plumbing breaks
This is my apartment
This is where my boyfriend slept
This is where he sat on the couch
This is where he made omelets every Sunday
This is my apartment
This is where I slept when we fought
This is where he told me it was over
This is where we had make-up post-break-up sex
This is where we ended it again
This is where my tears got caked into the walls
This is where I spiraled
This is where I died
This is where I pulled myself together
This is my apartment
This is the recliner
This is the kitchen
This is bed
This is the fire escape
This is the stain
This is the bathroom floor
This is the spot where his dresser was
This is the closet
This is my apartment
This is the toaster oven
This is the television
This is the table
This is the troll from Sweden
This is the tea tray
This is my apartment
These are my things
This is what I'm leaving
Keep what you want
Throw out what you want
Don't tell me what you do to which
I'm going now
I'm going to say goodbye
It's been a good apartment
So please treat it well
I wish I could have lived here longer
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