Monday, March 5, 2012


So the thing is, this isn't what I wanted
Admittedly, I mean--
It's not ideally what I was hoping for
When I set out on this path

Montana--you know?

Like, when you decide
When you're a kid
Or, like, not a kid
But like a--whatever
When you figure out
That theater--the arts--whatever
Is what you want to do
You kinda think--

Okay, so like, New York
London, Chicago, Los Angeles--for like the movies
But like also theater, who knows?
Or, Seattle Philadelphia just a--
Just, like, a city, you know?
Just a place where there'

Not that there isn't art in Montana
I'm sure there is!
It's just not what I--

And this job, I mean--
This whole teaching thing
At, like, a really prestigious private academy
It's, like, I mean--the money's going to be--
But, no, it's not what I originally thought of in terms of my future

But what am I going to do, you know?
NOT take the job?
NOT make money?
Not think about the fact that, like, I'm thirty-two years old
And opportunities
Other opportunities
Have not really presented themselves
At this point

I mean, I know, as actors, we say--

Well, I have to do this
Because this is all I can do
This is all I love
This is it

And, you know, that's fine
Like, that's cool to--
Put on a poster or whatever
But at some point
If you really live like that
If you really live by that--creed, or whatever
You're, like, living in some shithole somewhere
Watching rats crawl out of your sofa
And you're not doing art or plays or whatever anyway
So what was the point of that, you know?

What was the point?

So I'm going to Montana
And I'm working at the school
And I'm teaching theater to kids
And it's something that's related to what
I initially thought I wanted to do anyway

So that's...great, right?

I mean, it's...

It's what's here

It's what's available to me

It's an opportunity

What am I supposed to do, you know?

What else am I supposed to do?

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