Monday, November 14, 2016

Out of the Cannon

I’m sitting here in this cannon
Like, what is my life?

I’m wearing this stupid striped suit
I got a helmet on, which is—

I mean, I’m flinging my body
Into the air
And I have a helmet on


Like, if my body goes into a wall
What’s the helmet going to do?

It just seems dumb

This whole thing seems dumb

I can hear people cheering
Sick people
People who like seeing a guy
Get shot out of a cannon
Like that’s entertainment

Like it’s magic

Like, if you put enough pressure behind anything
It’ll eventually give
And you’ll see something

That’s what this is
This little cannon stunt
It’s just the breaking of a man
Me being the man

I used to train the poodles
And then my manager was like—

The poodles are out

And he told me they were going to transition me
Into Death Defying
Where he thought there were some really nice opportunities for me
And I got all excited
Because I thought that meant I could do the trapeze
But he was like—‘Ohhh trapeze is a subdivision of Death Defying
Where I really don’t have any pull’

So that was a letdown

And then I was like, Ugh, he’s gonna say Cannon
And sure enough, he said, ‘You know where’s that a lot of room for growth
Within the company?

Now I’m in a cannon

I don’t know what happened to the poodles

I still think about them from time to time
But then I just get sad
Because let’s face it
It’s not like they had a retirement plan

Like, they’re not sitting in some Poodle House right now
Playing bridge and chatting about the old days

My leg itches
And I can’t scratch it
Because I can’t move

There is no room in this cannon
If I sneeze
I’ll hit my head against the side
And knock myself out
And now I’m actively trying to make myself sneeze
Just so I can be out of it
When I finally get shot out of this thing

But you know
There’s a part of me
Just a little part

That has this…idea

Like, maybe I’ll get shot out of this thing
And I’ll learn something
That only people who get shot out of cannons know
Because there are so few of us living
Because the mortality rates are really quite staggering

Maybe I’ll learn that
When you’re up that high
Looking down
You see that thing that everybody wants to see

A new perspective
A bigger picture
A broader view of life
Of, you know, where you’re going
What you’re doing
How you wound up getting shot
Out of a cannon

And maybe I’ll land
In the net
The two high school kids we hired
Set up for me

And I’ll know why I’m here
Not just in this cannon, but like—
HERE here, you know?

That’s what I’m hoping for anyway

And also, not to hit a tree
And, if I do, to hit it headfirst
So the helmet will take the brunt of it

That’s it, really

That’s all I can hope for

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