I'm sitting in an abandoned villa
Waiting for someone
To come pick me up
I'm stranded
And I'm stranded
In a very 1980’s kind of way
Where, uh, you really do feel
Like you’re...
...Up a creek, you know?
...Up a creek, you know?
Because I didn’t have a cell phone
I didn’t have any contact
With anybody
In the outside world
I’m just sitting in this abandoned villa
Okay, well
Somebody’s gotta
find me
But, like, not really sure
That was actually
Going to happen
And yet
At the same time
Even though
I was dealing
With a lot of anxiety in my life
Which was the reason
I was in this abandoned villa
On this trip
This vacation
That I really needed to go on
But also
Didn’t want to go on--
I’m having a hard time
Actually summoning that anxiety
To give me a kick in the ass
And make me come up
With some kind of solution
It’s sunny
Like, it’s really sunny out
And there’s the ocean
And there’s sand
And all this pretty, uh
And so
My brain is like—
You’re fine
I mean, part of my brain thinks that
The other part is like—
Your stupid friends
Took off and left you
In two separate cars
Because one probably thought
You were with the other
And vice versa
But, again, it’s like—
Hard to panic
Because it’s just so pretty there
That’s, like, the one thing
About abandoned villas
In sunny places
It’s really hard
To panic
And believe me
I tried
I had this moment
Where I pictured
Talking to you
Right now
I’m not kidding
You you
Not, like
A general ‘you’
But actually ‘you’
It was crazy
I pictured it
And that’s when I realized
That this
This right now
Was going to happen
That I wasn’t going to die
In some abandoned villa
That I was going to make it out
And live this long
And not-that-interesting life
And that’s what made me panic
Not the thought of dying
Or abandonment
Or anything
The thought of survival
That’s what scared
The hell out of me
Two hours later
My friends showed up
At the hotel we were all staying at
Realized what happened
And turned right around
And I was just sitting on the sand
Looking at the ocean
Trying to enjoy, you know
That moment
I knew it wouldn’t last
I knew that being stranded there
Wasn’t really my problem
It was a
But it wasn’t, like
The problem
Or even one of
The problems
My friends walked up to me
And I was crying
And they were like—
It’s okay
We’re here
We’re here now
You’re fine
We came back for you
And I looked at them like—
Why did you do
And they didn’t understand
I don’t think even I understood
I still don’t
I still…
I still really