Tuesday, September 8, 2020

His Husband Is Into Some Really Dark Shit

 His husband is into

Some really dark shit

I don’t like to judge people

For what they’re into

But his husband messaged me

Well, not me

He messaged one of my friends

But I think he also messaged me one night

But I deleted the whole conversation

But I remember him doing it

But I didn’t remember him doing it

Until my friend told me about it

Happening to him

And then I was like--

‘Oh my god, that same thing

Happened to me’

Where he messaged me

And told me about all this weird shit

That he’s into

And I was like ‘No thanks’

But I don’t remember that

But what I do remember

Is what my friend told me

Which is that his friend

Likes to bury guys alive

That’s his thing

Burying them alive

And they do it

The guys do it

He has a whole set-up

In the backyard

With shovels and--

I don’t know how long

They have to stay down there

But like--

No, he’s really cute

That’s the whole thing

He’s cute and he’s on that show

So when he asks the guys

I think they just think

That maybe they can assume

That once they’re dug up or whatever

They’ll get to do stuff with him

But they don’t

It’s one of those things

Where’s he into something

But the thing he’s into

Doesn’t actually

Have anything to do

With sex

So you get to his house--

I’ve never done this

By the way

He asked, if I remember,

He asked

But I was like ‘No!’

But I don’t remember that

--You get to his house

And he has you get in a box

In the ground

And he closes the box


I don’t know how you don’t suffocate

Because it seems like you would suffocate

But I guess there’s enough air in there

For you to breathe

And then he digs you up

But, like, what if something goes wrong?

And the whole time

His husband is just sitting in the house

Waiting because I think--

I don’t know this for sure

But I think that

What happens is

He buries you alive

Goes in the house

Has sex with his boyfriend

Then comes back

Digs you up

And sends you home

And what do you get out of that?

You’ve gotten to, like, participate

In something

That an attractive person is into

And, like, for some people

That’s as close as they’re going to get

To having sex with someone who looks like him

And who has--

Like, who is kind of a celebrity

LIke, sort ot

Like, not really

But, like, sort of

So they’re happy to do it

At the time

Until they do it

And then they feel

Really fucked up about it

Which makes sense

But what can they say

Because they agreed to it

Every step of the way

And it makes you wonder

If people should still be able

To get in trouble for something

Even if they can get people

To do it willingly

And without any promises

To, like, help them in any way

It’s all dark though
It’s all, like,


So dark

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