Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 I wanted you to see it

That’s why I wrote it

On the mirror

Didn’t think you could miss that

How much money does it cost?

Not the money


This...what is this?

A villa?

Are we in a villa?

How long have you been here?

A few weeks?
A month?

The woman you got your coffee from

Knew you by name

First and last


Gotta be quite awhile

Since I don’t think

Customer service

Is her, uh, strong suit

You know what I don’t get about you?

One question

And I wrote it on the mirror

It’s not a big mirror

So I really had to think about

What I wanted to say

And how to be, uh, concise

I suggest you leave

The question on the mirror

Because it’s not about

Giving me an answer right now

It’s something

For you to think about

Over and over again

Every day

Every time you look at it

Which, knowing you,

Will be a lot

The question is--

Who do you think you are?

I think that you think

That because you can do something

You should not only do it

But let everyone know you’re doing it

I disagree

I think that you invited me here

And you wined

And you dined

And you’re cute

And I won’t say you’re not cute

You’re cute

We both know you’re cute

But you brought me here

And you didn’t trust being cute enough

To not require all this, uh,

Fluster and bluster

Place on the beach

Drinks, cocktails

Nice bottles

Good food

And everything like it’s out of some


But I believe

That what you put in front of people

Is what you’re offering

And the more you put in front

The more it costs

To get to you

And I noticed

The way your eyebrow goes up

When that phone of yours vibrates

Or when you walk by

That laptop

You work hard

That’s cool

But I think it’s more than that

I think work is all you have

And so you do all this

To sucker somebody in

And you hide the work

You erase it

And then once they’re impressed

By all the things that are here

Because of the work

Then you spring it on them

That they’re never going to have you

And you think that’s just fine

Because they’ll have a villa

And they’ll have molten lava cake for dessert

And coffee handed to them

Every morning

By a woman who knows them by name

Because she gets tipped so well

And hopefully

All of that is enough, right?

So I’m not asking

Who you think you are

In a confrontational way

I’m asking you

To really think about it

Because all of this?

This is not an identity

This is just shit you put around yourself

Like a spider’s web

I want you to think about

Who it is

You think

You are

And when you’re done

Go ahead

And clean the mirror

And let me know

What you see

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