Monday, September 2, 2019

An Old Friend in a New World

Keith could always
Find the best albums

And on the ride back
He’d put on music
And you’d say--

What’s this?

And Keith would say--

Just listen

And so you would

Past Turtletaub Diner
That serves food poisoning
As often as it serves food

Back in the backseat
I’d try to get comfortable
Against the naugahyde
While I listened to whatever
Guy with a guitar
Keith was high on
At that moment

Thirty years later
I’m still hearing songs
Keith introduced me to
As they pop up
On playlists
Or during random shuffles

As soon as one comes on
I think of serial killer summer

The one where we sat in that car
And talked about savage murder
For hours on end
While we rode
Back and forth
Across state lines

Keith’s favorite was Dahmer
Mine was Zodiac
Because they never caught him

We’d park places in the dark
Open our windows
And see if we could catch
Some trouble

Nobody ever bothered us
Because trouble doesn’t want
Anything to do with you
If you’re looking for it

Not when you’re guys like Keith
And life won’t give you excitement
Like it’s spiting you
Or something

Keith used to say
That most of his life
Was spent
Dealing with the spite of others
And when you’d ask him to elaborate
He’d just turn up the volume
And get into the fast lane

You took what he gave you
And cleaned your plate
And if that wasn’t enough
You could get out at the next stop
And have a nice life

That was Keith
And that was riding with Keith
And I’ve never had
A better buddy
To take on the road

I sold my car in 2015
And never got another one

Not having to look for parking
In the city
Was all the luxury I could hope for
And so I gave myself that gift
And proceeded to maintain
A dormant lifestyle
Made up of delivered pizza
And cold calling for cash

By that time, I hadn’t seen Keith
Since I was nineteen
And I didn’t bother searching for him
Since he was the type
That would resent being found

Twice I thought I saw him
Out and about

Once at a concert
And another time
In front of a food truck

Both times it was my eyes playing tricks
And my mind wishing for an old friend
In a new world

Late at night, I put on some music
As I wander my way
Into a tough night’s sleep

Sometimes a song will come on
That belongs to Keith
And sometimes it’s one
I think he would like

You can talk to just about anybody
Without them being there
But Keith was a here and now kinda guy

So I just stay quiet
And listen

I figure he’d appreciate that

I figure it
But I’ll never really

Be sure

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