Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Four Horseman Won't Ask for Directions

No Death, I am not asking for directions

Because I don't need to ask directions
Because I brought the GPS

I just can't get a signal

Because we're in Purgatory

Well, if somebody had used the men's room
Before we left
We wouldn't have had to stop

There is no way I'm going back into Heaven
And telling God we can't find Earth

It's a planet, for crying out loud
I don't see how we could miss it

Yeah, well, I was a little humiliated myself
When we brought the Apocalypse to Jupiter

That place is already a hellhole
The Apocalypse was probably the best thing that ever happened to it

No, Famine
We are not getting anything to eat
We're on the clock

After we bring mass destruction
Then we can eat

Where's Word of God?

If he went to ask for directions
I will...

Okay, well there's not much I can do
But I can glare at him really severely

It's not like we're in a rush
Revelations doesn't say what day we're coming
It just says we're coming

Famine, is that a Snickers bar?

Did you bring a Snickers bar with you
On a trip to end mankind?

You realize how that looks, right?

Okay, well
Now you know why you're the one
Nobody really fears that much

Nobody fears a chubby horseman

Am I the only one taking this seriously?

Fine, you know what?

I'll go by myself

No, really
It's fine

There can be one horseman
I'll tell them they read the book wrong

All the books
All the Bibles
Every one

That might make me even scarier

I mean, I'm War
I don't need help
War is pretty bad
In and of itself

Now, if you could just give me my scythe

Dude, I'm not kidding
Give it to me

Seriously, stop messing around, Death
I'll--Okay again, not much I can do because you're Death
But just so you know
I'm really not feeling any sort of fondness towards you right now

You know what?

Never mind

We'll all go
And we can ask for directions


Everybody happy?

Good, Famine, go ask for directions

...No, I'm not going to do it.

I don't need to
I know where we are

You need to go
Because you don't know

That's how it works


Eat your Snickers, asshole

Death, you go

Oh, c'mon man!

We don't even know where Word of God is!

This sucks, you know that?

This really sucks

We were supposed to have a nice day
End the world
Come back
Play D&D
And chill
And now it's all screwed up

Seriously, guys
I'm not hanging out with you anymore

No, I really mean it
I'm done

The friendship is over

I'm out

If you see Word of God
Tell him I'm out

Later, jerks

. . . . .

Um, okay I make a left to go back?


Two lefts?

Is it two lefts?

You know what?

I'll figure it out

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