"If You Say My Name's Disaster"
If you say my name's disaster
I will master being the nightmare
That you only hope I can be
When you're shaming me
Blaming me for the evaporation
Of your reconciliation
With your last relationship-oriented
Trainwreck of a partner
If you say I am the one who damned you
Into an existence of consistent disappointment
While you appoint me the secretary
Of shoulders soaking up tears
Fears put aside while you ride me
At 3am hoping to be home to him
In time for morning light to make you feel like
Maybe your mistake won't take
As you bike home
Still blown apart
By the brave light of day
If you say I am the devil
Then level with me and stop sending me
Poetry claiming to be wrapped in lust for me
Adjusting yourself to me and my cruelties
And then expecting them to subside
Deriding my personality
But needing your inferiority
To act up so my savior complex
Can react and tack you back to your cardboard wall
Safe, where I put you
Putting you in positions
All kinds of positions
Dealing with the imposition
Of having unfinished business
Keeping me from being better
Because we don't work when I'm better
When I get it together
I'm not as attractive to you, now am I?
I'm the damned guy who won't comply
And be the villain to your starry-eyed good guy
If you're not that what am I?
How will I ever identify myself again?
If you say my name is friend
The light shows end and electricity
Will cease to be a element
Cementing itself as the reason
You make 3am phone calls
Still wanting that ride
Cried to sleep
While he holds you
And wonders why him being a nice guy
Isn't enough to make you stop crying
While I do what's right
Staying up half the night staring into a mug
With your name on it
Wondering why this is friendship
When we're both so hurt by it
Deciding it's still for the best
Better than any other relationship
We've ever had
With each other or others
They've all been disasters
If you say my name's confusion
I will continue to confuse you
Using you to delude myself
Into thinking I'm sexy
Texting you late at night
To get you on your bike
And over here and onto me
Gleefully lovemaking while the city
We both want to leave
Breathes in and out
A slumber-filled peace
That we'll never enjoy
Because we're boys being boys
At all hours of the night
Tightening our hold on each other
Smothering our screams into pillows
Still convinced
Nobody can hear the sound
If you say my name is your name
Then the game we're playing
Becomes tangled up
Wrangling each other into talks
Long walks and feeling-filled phone tag
Bagging each other on bullshit tactics
Pointless semantics keep us on our toes
Growing into prose even Proust would oppose
As being too morose
If you say my name's disaster
You'll admit you can't master me
Nor I you, my sweet fleeting fling
Bringing me nothing but lonely sugar
And a glimpse of eternity
If you say my name
See if you can say it
Without making yourself cry
Then say it again
But after
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