"Where It Comes From"
You two
You two girls
Man oh man
You make me fucking sick
Do you know that?
You act like
Like you didn't know
You didn't know?
Is that what you're trying to say?
That you didn't know?
That's the truth
That's the fucking truth
You didn't care AT ALL
So don't even act like
Oh my God
Oh my God
Fuck that
You two make me fucking sick
You're going to judge Mom
Go make your own fucking money then
You see how easy it is
You're disgusted
Oh but you took the Christmas presents
You took the Christmas presents
You took the birthday presents
You took the cars
The fucking clothes
The rent when you needed it
And when didn't you, right?
You didn't ask
You didn't ask
Where it was coming from
Don't say
Because you didn't think of it
Because even if you had
You wouldn't have
You didn't want to know
It couldn't concern you
Did it concern me?
Did it bother me?
Because every person
In this fucking country
Whose got anything
Got it doing stuff worse
Than what Mom is doing
Anything that shimmers
In this fucking world
Was pulled from a corpse
After the person who took it
Shot the fucker
Everybody's got blood on their hands
Even the people who don't look down
And notice it
You're so offended?
Then leave your car keys on the table
Take off the shoes Mom bought you
Leave your purses
Both of you
You're going to judge?
Who alive can fucking judge anymore?
You two?
You think you're the last two?
The last two on the fucking planet
Who get to have a say
In how they get
What they get
If you knew where it came from
You still would have taken it
It might have bothered you
It might have made you uncomfortable
But you still would have put on the shoes
You still would have driven the car
And you still would have walked around
Like you didn't know
Even after you did
And if you really do have such a problem with it
Leave now
And let the rest of us
Keep doing what we do
Let us keep making the money
Because we've made peace with it
We made peace
By not pretending
That there was any other way
To survive
And see some things shimmer
In the process
Get the fuck out of here
You knew
Where it came from
You're the walking products of it
You look in the mirror everyday
You knew where it came from
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