Thursday, March 5, 2009

Willing to Pay

--  I had so much fun putting together the solo show, mainly because writing around a theme tends to bring out the best in me.  So is it any wonder I want to do it again?  (Not a solo show, not just yet, I'm still tired from the last one.)  I want to do something that's a combination between the monologue show and an actual play.  Based around what theme?  Sex.  Simple enough, right?  As someone recently pointed out, most of what I write features sex in it.  I say, why just feature it?  Let's put it front and center.  Ha!  So here's my idea.  I want ten negative words and/or phrases that are related to sex--Not just obscenities, let's be creative people.  Words like "hookup," "one night stand," etc.  I'm even going to do the first one for you:  Hooker.  'Cause let's face it--who doesn't love hookers?  All my favorites happen to be in Broadway shows, but that doesn't mean I can't write one sans Cy Coleman.  I'm not entire sure where I'm going with this whole idea yet, but that doesn't mean y'all can't chime in with thoughts, suggestions, anecdotes, etc.  Let's hit the ground running, shall we? --

"Willing to Pay"

So you charge?
How much do you charge?
Are you going to charge me?

Oh, okay
Well that's good

So this is what?
What would you call this?
A freebie?
Is it free just to talk?

We're just talking
I mean
I wouldn't
Not with a--
You know

What do you call yourself?
A hooker?
Didn't mean to--
Never mind

So what do you charge?
And what do you charge for?
I mean
What can they touch
Before they pay?

They must be able to touch you
I mean
You shake hands
Don't you?
Without charging?

Do you ever give out coupons?
That was a joke
A bad one
A bad joke

Can you talk into my tape recorder?
That makes life easier
For me
Thanks, yeah

Do you ever get scared
I mean there are a lot of sickos out there
You must have met some of them
Did any of them try to kill you?
Not even one

That's disappointing
I mean
For me
I mean
Not for me
But, you know
Dramatically speaking

I'm putting together this piece
This piece about sex
And I'm just curious about--
You know
People who engulf themselves
In sex

Isn't that what you would--
What would you say you...
You know
Isn't that what you do?

It's your life, right?
I mean
This is your life
Isn't it?

Why do you think--
Can I just ask this?
Why do you think
People are willing
Willing to pay?

Some sort of
Sick thrill of it?
I mean, because--
You can get sex
Pretty much anywhere
For free

So why pay?
You know?
You don't know
Of course

Well I'm not paying
Not for that
I mean
I can pay for--
Talking's fine
I can pay for that
That's kosher
But it's just talking
It's for a project

Why pay for anything more?

It is more
It's intimate
It's private
It's vulnerable
The person is paying
To make themselves vulnerable

I mean
Why do that?
Does that make sense?

This isn't intimate
We're just talking
This might be public one day
In front of people
What you're saying
Might actually be spoken

This is just me
Trying to validate
Put some validity
Towards my idea
My idea about sex
That it's...

What do you think it is?

And I mean
Why pay for it?
Why pay anything for it?
It doesn't make sense to me

Can you speak into the tape recorder?
Yeah, sure
We can work something out
But first
Let's talk

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