I came to pick you up
I know you sit on this bench everyday
Because the guy sitting on the bench across from you
Is a private detective I hired
To keep an eye on you
I know you look inside the gallery
But don't go in
I know you think you have a turf war going on
With passerby
I know...
I know you miss mom
I miss her too
I don't have a way with words
Like you do
I'm not funny
Like you are
I'm not even a good man
Like you are
I got a package today, Dad
Or rather, you did
Because it came to the house
With your name on it
I thought maybe it was from one of your old friends
Who don't know that you live at Briar Ridge now
I wouldn't have opened it, but...
It felt so light
And so heavy
At the same time
And I just...
I'm sorry, but I didn't think it was going to be anything important
Dad, did you know someone named Gabriel?
He sent you money, Dad
He sent you a lot of money
More money than I'd ever seen
In one place
You're rich, Dad
You're a rich man
To be honest with you
I considered keeping the money
I thought--He's out of it
He's lost his mind
He won't know
Besides, I pay for you to stay in
So I was going to keep it
Keep it for me and Shelly
And the kids
But the truth is--
You're not crazy, are you?
Are you?
I want you to come home, Dad
Not to Briar Ridge, but home with me
Back to your home
Where you lived
With Mom
And me
I want us all to live together again
And look, the money--
You can do whatever you want with the money
I think you should use it, Dad
Because it's yours
I don't know who Gabriel is
I don't know why he sent you that money
But it's yours
And you deserve it
Because you got stuck with a really lousy kid
Who told you that you couldn't take care of yourself
Because he didn't feel like taking care of you
Because I just didn't feel like doing it, Dad
I remember...
You used to sit on the hardwood floor next to my bed when I was sick
And make sure I was breathing right
You sat there for hours
The whole time I was asleep
Then got up
And went to work
And I couldn't be borrowed
To let you stay in your own home
Because I wanted to live there
Without worrying about you
Falling down the stairs
Or leaving the oven on
I'm sorry, Dad
Mom would have been ashamed
Of me
She would have said 'Shame on you, Junior'
'Shame on you'
. . . . .
I saw that money
And I understood
I don't know why
But I did
Money is cold
It's hard
It's reality
And when I touched it
I turned into King Midas
I froze and realized
I was already frozen
Like one of those sculptures
In the gallery
But once I pulled my hand away
I started to warm up, Dad
And I'm still getting warm
And I want you to come back with me
I want you to stand up
Get off the bench
And come back to life
You got another bench now
It's on the sidewalk
In front of your house
And it's even got your name on it
Come on, Dad
Come on home
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