They're going to shut the electricity off
We have about two hours
Before we are going to be sitting
In a house of darkness
A house we will probably not be living in much longer
Because the mortgage hasn't been paid
And will not be paid
Anytime soon
The phone's been shut off
The food supply is running low
The kids are in the next room
Trying not to cry
So you know what I say we do?
Play signed, sealed, delivered
Because before they turn the lights off
I want to dance around this house
Like happy people would
Because I can still dance
Because I can still walk
Because I can still laugh
If I force myself to
Because even though I can't get a job
I can still get myself up out of this chair
And end this little pity party
And act like everything's fine
Just like the rest of the world is
I can still take my wife in my arms
And feel her in those arms
And know she's healthy
And strong
And tough
And that means we'll get through this
I can still get the kids
And make them scrambled eggs
And convince them they'll be fine
Because they will be
Because they got two parents
Who love them
And that's two more parents
Than most kids have
And that's two more healthy, happy kids
That most parents have
And even though we're not lucky
We're all still in love
And as long as we are
And as long as we have two hours left
I'm going to play Stevie Wonder
And drag the last bits of joy
Out of this house
And decorate the kitchen with it
So go put 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered' on
While I find something to burn in the fireplace
To keep us warm
Hey, we haven't opened this box yet
That came in the mail today
It's from some guy named Gabriel
Let me crack it open
Maybe it's something
We could use
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