Monday, May 21, 2018

Lucky Me

He’s going to hit me up
When the money hits
And at that point
To be explicit
He can fuck off with it

He’s sitting at the table
With all his friends
Looking over at me
Like he’s waiting to see
When the dollar signs
Start popping up
Like cartoon dreamscapes
And frankly
I’m not all that invested
In having him tune in
To my dreamscapes

You know people like him?

People who hedge their bets

I hate that
I fucking hate
Hedge bet-ters

You want to bet on something
Bet on the underdog

Don’t you watch movies?
Don’t you like tv?
Don’t you see those montages
Where the inner city hockey team
Beats the Canadian Olympians?

People who want to sit with winners
Wind up sitting alone

Because winners take off on you
Winners find new friends
And new places to live
And new lives
They like taking photos of

And he’s not going to be in those photos
He’s not going to be making funny faces
And doing rabbit ears
While the assholes around him
Try to get their cheekbones in the frame
The way they like ‘em

And every few seconds
I get a glance
Because he wants to know
If I’m up to my jackpot

And you know what?

I’m close

I can feel it
And I’m close

But when it hits
I’m going to move tables

I’m going to slide down
So far away from him
And his popular complex
That he’ll think
I’m in another county

Another county
Another country
And another set of plans
That have nothing to do with him

I couldn’t stand it
When we were together

Him and his patch of friends
With their inside jokes
And their mannequin style

Just because I’m not enough for him
Doesn’t mean I’m not enough

I have more coming to me
Than he’s ever had
And I’d rather look forward to a surplus
Than surpass my best years
When I’m too damn stupid
To know they’re my best

I’d have loved to have taken him along
But you know--

Some people want to go the easy road
Even if it means
They gotta hitchhike

Even if it means
They can only ride along on it
On somebody else’s bus

I had so much room for him
Room I made
Room I set aside
So we could go riding together

But he didn’t want that

So instead I’m at it alone

And yeah, I’m looking forward
To the good fortune

But a fortune’s a lonely thing
If you don’t have someone
To be fortunate with

Afterwards it won’t matter
If I meet someone
Because they won’t know who I was
When things weren’t so good

They’ll only love Lucky Me
And I don’t even know
Who she is yet

But I bet she’s great


I bet she’s a damn

Good time

Not a Bad Place to Be

Here you are in a hotel
And you’re not happy

Just think about that

Staying in a nice hotel
And miserable as fuck

What a thing to be
And a place to be it in

Why don’t you take a few more photos
Of yourself
Eating scrambled eggs in your underwear
Acting like life is grand

Sweetie, when life is grand
It does not require

Now I appreciate the invite
But this is--

Well, it’s got the look of something
That’s supposed to make you happy
But it doesn’t have the feel of it

I was at my sister’s barbecue
Earlier today
And she’s broke as fuck
But man, did we have fun


That had a good vibe to it
A positive energy


This is depressing
I’m depressed

You’re sitting on that bed
Acting like a come hither
And the progression
Has us careening
Towards sex
And still
There’s the prevailing air
Of death
All over this damn room

Because you are unsure
Of your footing
And even with that six pack
Uncertainty is unsexy

I’m sorry

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry

But you could’ve figured that out
Even without me standing here
Without pants on
Looking fine as fuck
And totally disinterested

You gotta go out into that night
Into that city
Full of virgins looking to lose it
And people lining up
To show ‘em how

You gotta zoom in on life
And not zoom out

At that barbecue today
There were at least five seven-year-old’s
Who were running around
Jumping over the sprinklers
Screaming about it
Then jumping back again

Those kids, man--

They’re years away
From ever going to the coolest club
Or a good bar
Or even a halfway decent party
That doesn’t have a fucking clown at it

But they were having a time

They weren’t thinking about anything
But that sprinkler
And that backyard
And the four hot dogs they were going to eat
And puke up from exerting themselves too much

There’s no next for them
There’s no better
There’s no what else is there?

They’re not trying to feel something
They’re just feeling it


It was something to watch

But you can’t watch six-year-old’s for that long
Without getting put on a list
So I said my good-bye’s
Finished getting drunk at a nearby Chili’s
And then came here

And I’m not mad about being here
It doesn’t bother me
But, you know--

It doesn’t exactly thrill me either

Because we’re just two people
Trying to find a sprinkler to jump in, right?

We’re just trying to have something
We didn’t know we had when we had it

And maybe that’s the thing about it

Maybe if you ever know you’re happy
You stop being happy
The minute you know it

Maybe the best we can hope for
Is room service
While we think about the times
We’re not in anymore

Not happy
But waiting on it
To come back around again

That’s not so bad, right?

Not a…

Not a terrible place

To be

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Are We Pretending We Don't Know That?

They wanted a whole marketing campaign
And I was--

I can’t say ‘No’
Because I’m in the office
Twelve hours a day
So I gotta be doing something
But that whole pitch was--

It was gobbledy gook, you know?
It was nonsense

I just spit out
Whatever was first in my--

It was like stream of consciousness advertising
Like shit you’d see on Mad Men
If Mad Men were the least sexiest thing ever

And they were impressed
But, like, they wanted to see results

They wanted to know
How this was going to impact that

And how that
Was going to trickle down
To this

Those fuckers
Did their homework
Which was really
Fucking annoying
To tell you the truth

Advertising is perception
You want proof of perception?

How the fuck am I supposed to--

You know, I’ll tell you something

The clients are too damn smart
And they’re getting smarter

And our industry?

Our industry is not accounting
For how savvy these fuckers
Are getting

It is not--our industry is not
Taking it
Into consideration

They have a restaurant
And they’re sitting there
Asking me
Why nobody’s going to it

Jesus fucking Christ

I don’t know
Why nobody’s
Going to your restaurant

Nobody’s going anywhere anymore

I mean--are we all pretending we don’t know that?

Are not
Going out

That is just--

That is just a fact

And it’s our jobs
To make them go out?

I asked that once
At a meeting
I asked that very question
And my boss goes--

Well yeah, Chris
It is our job

As if it was the most obvious thing in the world
When really--

We’re not talking about--

Oh, put up a billboard here
And an ad in this magazine
And Bam!

You’re good to go

We’re not talking about that

We’re talking about a cultural tide
A shift in the way people, you know--

We’re talking about Netflix
And Hello Fresh!
And the other one--

What’s the other one?

Blue Apron!

That one, yeah

We’re talking about a society
That, for years, has been dreaming
Of living in that fucking apartment
From The Jetsons

Never leaving their house
Because they’d have everything they needed
Right there

And guess what, you guys?

We’re there

We’ve finally fucking landed there

In that future

With The Jetsons

And now I’m sitting in a meeting
And some restaurant chain is like--

How do we fix this?

How do we fix what?

The fact that civilization
Finally achieved its greatest dream
And that the dream was isolation?

Gee, I don’t fucking know

I don’t know how to fix that

Yeah, I get that it makes my job
Fucking null and void
But that doesn’t mean
I know what to do about it

So I put up a billboard
And take out an ad in a magazine
And like--

That’s it

That’s the best I got

You think you can do better?

Go for it

But until then
I’m going to sit on my ass for twelve hours
And wait for somebody to notice
That I’m a goddamn dinosaur
So they can stick me
In a museum

That’s it, you know?

That’s all I can do