-- This is Aaron's suggestion. --
"Crossing the Line for the Last Time"
You know
I didn't want to do this
I really didn't
But you know
You push, Bruce
You really push
And this is what happens
When you push
The truth is coming out
No, I'm sorry
I'm sorry everyone
I know none of you wanted to hear this
And I know I promised
But he needs to hear it
One more time
Before I punch his lights out
And walk out of here
For the last time
You are
The worst clown
I have ever seen
You're awful
Your balloon animals?
They're disgusting
You did that stupid trick
Where you made the little ball
With the long balloon
And you told a kid
It was a gerbil with elephantiasis
You don't think that kid
Went home and asked his mother
What that meant?
Shame on you
And I don't care that you're Head Clown
And I don't care that the owner likes you
And I don't care because I'm quitting
And you can have the whole train car to yourself
Because I'm out
I'm done
Tonight was the last straw
And everybody knows it
Everybody knows you crossed the line
They're just too scared to say it
But I'm not scared, Bruce
You don't scare me
And don't think taking your nose off
Is going to intimidate me
You're going to listen to me
And tap your floppy toe until I'm done
Do you understand?
When I first started here
I put up with you
Because I thought you were just hazing me
Doing some good-natured ribbing
So I put up with the curdled milk
In the pies you hit me in the face with
I put up with your flatulence in the clown car
When I was sitting underneath you
I even put up with you training that little dog
To piss on my foot every time it sees me
Poor Little Coco
Just another pawn
In your heinous war
Against me
I had it a long time ago
But I listed to Chachi and Scooter
And Bobo and Tyrell
And I thought I could stick it out
I thought I had to
But tonight
Tonight I knew I couldn't do it
And I'm well-aware of what happened
The last time I got into a fight with you
I have the bottom of a beer bottle
Lodged in my thigh
To remind me
I remember you telling me
That I better not cross the line
That I better not come over
To your side of the train car
Ever again
But guess what
I'm crossing it
I'm coming over there
And we're going to finish
What you started tonight
One way or the other
You get your squirting flower
And I'll get mine
And we'll see
Who comes out of this alive
Because tonight
When you had that elephant
Relieve himself into my clown pants
After you had fed him
What I can only imagine
Must have been raw sewage
I knew this had to end
So I'm kicking your ass
Then I'm quitting
And I don't want anybody
To try and stop me
. . . . .
So yeah
Nobody even try
I'm serious
I'm crossing that line
And that's it!
. . . . .
I mean
If anyone wanted to cross it with me
I certainly wouldn't stand in the way
Of someone else getting the justice
They deserve as much as I do
That wouldn't be right
. . . . .
You know what?
I'm dirty
I'm really dirty
I should shower
Elephant poop
It just, uh
It shouldn't be left on too long
So I'm going to shower
Then I'm going to come back here
And, uh, yeah
We'll settle this, Bruce
You bet your ass
We'll settle it
So get that line ready
Because I'm going to cross it
. . . . .
If not tonight
Then definitely tomorrow night
For sure
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